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Full text of "A first-year course in home economics for southern agricultural schools"

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a Washington, BG: 


Contribution from the States Relations Service 

A. C. TRUE, Director 




LOUISE STANLEY, Professor of Home Economics 

University of Missouri 

Page Page 
Se Rae a se i | Lessons for First Year’s Course. ...-. 9 
o.-2. 68 & & 0-8 8 





Contribution from the States Relations Service 
A. C. TRUE, Director 

Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER July 27, 1917 


By Louise STan.ey, Professor of Home Economics, University of Missouri. 


x Page. Page : 
PNEEOCUCLION scene = oo ac aeinsee See ce helo ee 1 | Lessons for first year’s course................ 9 
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This bulletin outlines a course of study in home economics for 
southern high schools. It emphasizes the connection between such 
instruction and actual home experience and the danger arising 
from formal methods of presentation. It calls attention to under- 
‘lying general principles and applies them in a typical course of 
study, which, while based on southern conditions, is applicable in 
other communities. 

The aim of any course in home economics is to make the as a 
better home maker. By teaching her how to do, and the reasons 
why, and as well by giving insight into the fundamental importance 
of home making such instruction transforms housework from 
drudgery into an honored profession. In the average home two 
industries stand out—sewing and cooking—and there has been a 
tendency to limit home economics instruction to them. If inter- 
preted broadly to include their economic and hygienic relations, 
cooking and sewing do furnish the basis of a well-rounded course; 
but they should be supplemented by other subjects necessary for the 
home maker. Knowledge of the homes of her community will best 

assure to the teacher suitable subject matter and connect the school 
work with home duties. 

1 This bulletin has been prepared in cooperation between the author and C. H. Lane, Chief Specialist in 
Agricultural Education, as well as specialists of the Office of Home Economics, States Relations Service. 

It is designed to aid teachers in presenting a course of study in HOES economics which will connect such 
instruction and actual home experiences. 

83933°—Bull. 540—17——1 


The principles involved in the lessons set forth in this publica- 
tion are fundamental. However, it has been the purpose of the 
author to present those which have a direct bearing on southern 
home life. To secure the best results with this work teachers should 
make a special effort to adapt the lesson topics to the conditions 
found in the homes of the pupils. The first and most important step 

in this direction is for the teacher to make a close study of the com- — 

munity conditions, and so to direct the application of the principles 
given in the lessons as to meet the needs and to improve upon the 
conditions. Let the teachers keep in mind that communities as 
well as sections vary as to home-making problems and that a thor- 
ough knowledge of the conditions in each instance is necessary to 
enable the teachers to render the best service. 

A complete course in home economics would include the following — 

subjects: ! 
1. Food: 
(1) Selection (home-grown and purchased food). 
(2) Preparation. 
(3) Planning and serving of meals. 
2. Shelter: 
(1) House sanitation. 
(2) Planning of house. 
(3) Decoration and furnishing of the house. 
(4) Care of the house 
2. Clothing: 
(1) Selection. 
(2) Making. 
(3) Keeping in repair. 
(4) Laundry work. 
4. Care and training of children: 
(1) Care of a baby. 
(2) Problems of a young child. 
(3) Amusements for children. 
5. Hygiene and sanitation: 
(1) Definition of health. 
(2) Definition and classification of diseases. 
(3) Means of preserving health. 
6. Home care of the sick. 
7. Household management, including systemization of housework, expenses, 
8. Training for the enjoyment of leisure time. 

Many of the high schools of the South which teach agriculture 
and home economics are located in the open country and have 
dormitories for housing the students, which provide opportunities 
for practical instruction in home economics comparable to those 
furnished by the school farms for practical instruction in agriculture. 
Often much of the food material is raised by the boys on the school 
farm and much of the household work is done by the girls, thus 

1See Syllabus of Home Economics, American Home Economics Association, Baltimore, Md. 

7 RMA he het fe cd germ ee ter fs oes s09 



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reducing the expenses of each student to as low as $5 to $6 a month ~ 
in some schools. In such cases the students may work one to two 
hours daily, or self-supporting students may do extra work beyond 
the stated requirement at so much per hour. This practical work 
serves both to introduce the problems in agriculture and home 
economics which are the basis of work in the classroom and furnishes 
the field for their practical application. The daily routine in house- 
work, unless it is supervised, however, is of no educational value; 
it should be considered a part of the girls’ laboratory work and 

organized accordingly. 

Methods of teaching.—Karly home economics, which was practical 
cooking taught by definite recipes copied and followed by the stu- 
dents, was soon modified both in the direction of ‘‘culture” by 
adding informational material from geography, history, and nature 
study, and in the direction of ‘‘science” by teaching applied chem- 
istry and physics, i.e., the principles of these sciences with illustra- 
tions drawn from the household. The latter plan really teaches 
these sciences, however, and not home economics itself. It is now 
recognized that home economics consists of a definite body of princi- 
ples, which are best taught as a self-constituted science, 1. e., as an 
organized body of specific facts and principles, rather than as an 
application of other sciences. The relation of the material to the 
needs of. the girls is in this way more definite and the approach of 
the subject through the girls’ own home experiences is more direct, 
and the facts learned are better correlated with the needs of every- 
day life. Using as the basis of the course, therefore, the principles 
of home economics themselves, the teacher can by proper choice of 
problems teach the child those facts which are likely to be useful 

to her, presenting them in the order of their increasing difficulty. 

The next matter, that of determining the method by which these 

problems are to be solved, or the presentation of the individual 

lesson, is the point at which teachers of home economics are most 
likely to fail. 

How not to teach is well illustrated by a lesson actually observed. 
The problem was the freezing of water ice. How was it developed ? 
As a first step which removed the necessity for any reasoning on 
the part of the students, the complete directions were dictated, and 
each girl took them down verbatim. No opportunity was given to 
the students in working out this problem to formulate any principles 

_ which could be applied to the making of water ices in general. Next 

ied ; 

the work was parceled out and each girl was given one step in the 
process, no one having a chance to follow the whole process through. 
The amount of lemon juice and sugar was arbitrarily stated. The 
students were not told that the amount of sugar should vary with 
the acidity of the fruit they used, nor were they allowed to find 


this out for themselves. They had no opportunity to see that the 
mixture tasted sweeter before freezing than it did afterwards, and 

there was no discussion of this fact. No reason was given for the 
use of salt with the ice in the freezing mixture nor was the proportion — 

discussed, but arbitrarily given. There was interest in the lesson, 

but it centered in the eating of the product after it was finished _ 
rather than in the principles involved in the making. From this ~ 
example it may be seen that there is danger ‘of much poor teaching — 
in a subject which has the possibility of as good teaching as any © 

other in the curriculum. While the example cited is of especially 
bad teaching, it is true in most cases that teachers of home eco- 
nomics tell the students too much, and do not allow them to reason 

things out sufficiently for themselves. Advocates of the method of — 
teaching by means of problems agree that the subject-matter must — 

be developed gradually in class. The teacher must not tell; the 
pupil must be required to make plans before she begins to work, 
and so be made to think things out for herself, keeping at the same 
time a live interest in technique. 

When this method is used in teaching home economics it means 
that the problems given must be kept quite simple at first and the 
facts and principles which should grow into the life of the girls be 

developed gradually, step by step. It means thorough organization — 

of material and thorough understanding on the part of the teacher 

of the principles involved. It means that students be given a very — 

clear idea of the problems to be solved and trained toward definite 
standards of work. The danger in such a method lies in the fact 
that in the interest of learning the reasons for the different. steps 
the standards for results may be lowered and drill on special points 
missed. This can be obviated by repeating those problems whose 
results are unsatisfactory and by having drills at stated intervals. 

The best method of opening up a lesson is by questions which eall 
to mind past experiences of the students and relate them to the 
problem (the preparation step in the formal lesson outline). Next 
there should be a very definite statement of the problem, made 

clear by additional questions (the presentation step). A list of © 

these questions carefully worked out with a short and definite state- 
ment of the problems, should be given at one laboratory period to 
enable the student to prepare for the next. If the students study 
this carefully they are ready to start work at the begining of the 
next period. An opportunity for questions should be given before 
starting work, but too much discussion at this point results in ‘‘tell- 
ing.” After the work is done the most valuable part of the lesson 
comes, the comparison of results and discussion of differences, 
leading to generalizations which form the theory of the subject in 


hand. Thus theory grows out of practice, and to make the cycle of. 
knowledge complete, it should be applied again in practice. 

The followig lesson plan illustrates this method of teaching. 
To formulate questions the teacher must have in mind a very definite | 
logical outline which the questions will develop, but in actual ques- 
tioning she should follow the order of the students’ own way of 
thinking. * 


(This lesson has been preceded by one on omelettes and soufflés, and will be followed 
by one on custards, or the use of eggs as a means of thickening. ) 

What do you understand by the term sponge cake? What types of 
sponge cake have we? What would you say were the characteristics 
of this group of cakes? What are the necessary constituents? How 
do they vary in the different types? In what kind of sponge cakes 
do you use cream of tartar? In which do you use lemon juice? Can 
you see any reason for this difference? Classify any recipes you may 
have for this type of cake on the basis of the amounts of the different 
constituents necessary for each egg. 

Sponge cake.—You will find that for each egg in the sponge cake 
proper the general proportions of flour and sugar are the same, about 
one-fourth cup of each and one teaspoonful of lemon juice to each 
egg. Is any other liquid necessary? Upon what will this depend ? 
What is the danger if too much is added? What will be the result 
if the amount is too little? In what order would you mix the above 
ingredients? What must be your aim all the time? The egg serves 
what functions in this cake? If eggs were expensive what two 
ingredients might you use in their place? To what extent can this 
substitution be made? Calculate the amount of each you would add 
as a substitute for one egg. . 

Let each student make a typical sponge cake, or a cheap sponge 
cake with one egg. Calculate the cost of each and compare the 
results. Are we justified in paying extra amount for the typical 
sponge cake? Is the cheap sponge cake wholly representative of this 
group ? 

Angel cake.—In what sense is an egg white equivalent to half an 
eg? On this basis work out your proportions for the angel cake 
from those used for the sponge cake. Could you make a cheap angel 
cake? What would be the limit to the amount of substitution 
possible here? Why do we add cream of tartar to the angel cake 
and lemon juice to the sponge cake? 

Each student should make an angel cake, using the whites of two 
egos. Make this either into a typical or a cheap angel cake. The 
their experience along any of these lines has been limited, it may be supplemented by reference to books 

in the library. Recipe books are especially valuable in giving suggestions as to proportions, combinations, 


yolks should be very carefully put away in the jars provided for 
that purpose as they are to be used at the next laboratory period. 

Sunshine cake-—How does the sunshine cake differ from the sponge 
cake on the one hand and the angel cake on the other? Formulate 
the proportions for a small sunshine cake. Which would you use in 
this case, cream of tartar or lemon juice? 

Any of the students who wish may substitute sunshine cake for 
either the sponge or the angel cake. 

Baking the cake-—At what temperature did we find that eggs 
should be cooked? Since the typical sponge cake contains a very 
large proportion of egg, in what way would this determine the oven 
temperature? What is going to make your cake light? If the oven 
is too hot, what will happen to the top of your cake before it is fully 
raised? What will be the result in the cake? What temperature 
do you think would be most desirable for baking the above mixture ? 
Would you use different temperatures for the typical and the cheap 
sponge cake? Reason. 

The objections raised to the above method of teaching are three: 

1. Itissaid to beslow and wasteful of material. Experience shows, 
however, quickness in real progress. While so much ground may not 
be covered, general principles are acquired, applicable anywhere. 
The knowledge has become a part of the student; it sticks better. 
In most cases there is no more waste than in the imitative recipe 
method. Material is not expensive, and with proper oversight fail- 
ures are uncommon. ; 

2. It is said that recipes should be standardized by experts and 
given to others in definite forms. But recipes must be indefinite 
since (a) food materials vary, not being chemically definite sub- 
stances, and (6) the recipe itself varies with the result sought. It is 
far better to give the girl ability to utilize successfully whatever 
materials she may have available than to teach her to follow a small 
number of recipes. 

3. It is said that teaching by recipes is the best means we have of 
cultivating correct food standards in the students, but it is doubtful 
whether it is wise to insist absolutely on uniform standards for all. 
Recipes can not be used as exact guides as long as the composition of 
ingredients is variable, and people differ in their tastes. 

Correlation.—A good scheme for correlation used by a San Francisco 
school is as follows: Each teacher outlines her work in advance in 
general terms for each quarter, and more in detail for each month 
and week. ‘These outlines are discussed in faculty meetings, each 
teacher stating the point at which she would hke help from the others. 
As a result of these discussions other points of correlation are seen. 

The practical outcome of these discussions is seen by an examina- 
tion of the chart used by these teachers. ‘There are as many columns 

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i each direction as there are courses for the given year. In each 
square there is a hook upon which a library card can be hung. In 
the top square of her column the teacher places on a yellow card 
her monthly outline, and each week a pink card containing a more 
detailed outline of that week’s work. When a teacher wishes 
correlative work from another department she writes her request 
on a white card which she hangs in her column, and in the square 
corresponding to the department from which the work is desired. 


Taatice Science. 

Home economics. History. English. 

(Place monthly and weekly outlines here.) 

Home economics. English makes request 
of home economics. 
History. Home economies 
makes request of 


The above chart is supposed to be divided into squares. 

In this way we may find across the top of such a board an outline 
of the work in each subject, while the up-and-down columns show at a 
glance what the various departments are expecting of each other 
during the current week. When the work is planned sufficiently in 
advance there is no difficulty in preventing conflicts. 


Food work.—Individual equipment of table, stove, and utensils is 
desirable. However, when expenses must be kept down, a mini- 
mum equipment may be secured for $50, consisting of 12 individual 
sets of utensils, each costing about $2, and general equipment costing 
$25, including one three-burner oil stove and a supply table; for 
cooking tables whatever is available must be utilized. 

Special cooking tables allowing working space of about 3 by 24 
feet can be built in or purchased ready-made. They should provide 
storage room for utensils and food supplies underneath. Individual 
gas plates or stoves are desirable. If there is no gas, individual oil 
stoves are preferable, since gas-manufacturing plants, lke acetylene, 
are not common in the home. 

Cupboards, a fireless cooker, a refrigerator, and a wheeled supply 
table with shelves below for food materials are desirable. If possible, 
a dining room, or at least space for a dining table, should be arranged 
to afford practice in table service. The cost of china, silver, glass, 
and linen may be estimated at $62. Schools planning cooking 
equipment should send for catalogue to any large wholesale hardware 

83933°—Bull. 540—17——2 


Seurng.—A sewing room should have tables 3 feet wide, allowing 
24 feet in length for each student. The general equipment should in- 
clude sewing machines, dress forms, mirror, fitting stand, skirt 
marker, cabinets; and the individual equipment, scissors, yardstick, 
foot rule, tape measure, pincushion, emery, pins, and needles. Equip- 
ment cost about $1 per pupil in addition to general equipment. 


The following order has been used for each lesson: (1) The subject, 
stated as a ‘‘Problem.’’ (2) The chief ideas, listed as ‘‘Points to be 
brought out.” (3) The references, which have been confined to 
material available in bulletins of this department and of the various 
State colleges and experiment stations. Two textbooks should be 
obtained, one on foods and one on clothing. The choice of these must 

be left-to the teacher. She should select them only after a careful — 

examination of those available. The one on foods should be some- 
thing more than a book of recipes; it should consider the-principles 
of cookery, composition of food, and the principles of dietetics. The 
book on clothing should contain material on the selection of clothing, 
clothing standards, application of design to dress, the hygiene of 
dress, and a study of fabrics as well as drafting and the principles 
of sewing. If any part must be omitted let it be the latter, for the 
teacher can easily provide herself with a textbook on drafting and 
sewing so as to give the students the necessary information. 

There should be in the library some additional books dealing with 
the composition, nutritive value, and digestibility of food. A good 
recipe book will be useful not for arbitrary use but for suggestions 
and comparison. It should not be misused. A good book on home 
laundry work, one on house sanitation, one on the care of the house, 
one on personal hygiene should be available for reference work. 
Copies of a good household chemistry, household bacteriology, and 
household physics will be found useful. 

There are a number of such books * available at the present time. 
For a teacher of home economics to keep up to date in her work she 
must see the new books as they are published. Most publishers will 
send copies for examination which can be returned without cost to 
the teacher if they prove unsuitable for her purpose. 

Bulletins are issued frequently which will be of help. These can 
in many cases be obtained free. The teacher’s name should be on 
the mailing list of the Department of Agriculture for the Monthly 
List of Department Publications. She may send for any which 
interest her. | 

(4) Under ‘‘Correlation”’ are suggested ways in which other 
courses may make use of home-economics subject matter, thus in- 

1 See U.S. Bur. Ed. Bul. 613 (1914). 

re. oe 


creasing the value of the latter and doing much to keep the former © 
vital. Under ‘‘Supplementary Topics’ are mentioned topics of 
household concern not directly related to the home-economics lesson 
of the day, but which may well be included in English work. 

Each year’s course consists of 160 lessons covering the subjects of 
cooking and sewing, with related hygiene and sanitation, and with 
review lessons at proper intervals. 



Problem.—To plan, select the material, and estimate the amount 
of material necessary for (1) a dish towel, (2) a holder, and (8) a 
kitchen apron. 

Points to be brought out.—Towels should be of as inexpensive ma- 
terial as possible, should absorb water readily, and should leave no 
lint. Holders should be constructed of material which does not burn 
readily and which is a poor conductor of heat. Aprons should be 
white, easily laundered, of simple design, and easily made. 

References.—Write to State leader of girls’ clubs for design of 
apron used in canning clubs. 

Correlation.—Physics: Study conduction of heat (Qn connection 
with the selection of the material for the holder). 


Problem.—To make the towel, holder, and apron. 

Points to be brought out.—Making a neat machine hem on both 
straight and curved edges. Sewing on tapes. Overhanding or bind- 
ing of the different layers of the holder together. 

References.—Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Missouri], Mo. Bul., 13 
(1915), No. 2. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic or English: Estimate the cost. Physics: 
Capillarity of woven fabrics. 


Problem.—To can any fruit in season. To examine the stove and 
learn to understand all drafts and openings. 

Points to be brought out.—In canning we wish to preserve the fruit 
in as nearly the natural condition as possible or in the condition in 
which we would serve it. Cooking in the can or jar is the easiest 
and the simplest method. Sugar is not used as a preservative in this 
case, but should be used in amounts just sufficient for good flavor. 
The essential points in the management of the stoves should be 
brought out during this lesson. 

References.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 426,* 521, and 771. 


Correlation.—Physics: Study of conduction, convection, and radia- 
tion of heat, as applied in the stove. The insulated oven. The 
fireless cooker. 

Norr.—lIf possible plan an additional lesson on the canning of fruit in which one © . 

of the outdoor canners is used in the orchard. In this case can in tin. Show how the 
culls, which would in many cases be wasted, may be utilized. This work could be 
given with all the girls in places wherelarge amounts of fruit are available. There 
might be a contest between the different classes. Aim to emphasize the economic 
side and at the same time give the girls opportunity to work with large quantities of 
material. This lesson may be substituted for one of the following lessons or given as 
an extra lesson on the weekly holiday. 


Problem.—To study the relation of microorganisms to the spoiling 
of food. 

Pownts to be brought out.—Since microorganisms which may cause 
_the spoiling of food are present all about us extreme care is necessary 
to prevent the contamination of food. In preserving we must kill 
all the microorganisms present or prevent their development. Simple 
heating at the boiling point for 15 to 20 minutes is sufficient in the 
case of fruit. Most vegetables are more difficult to sterilize. They 
must be heated for several hours. A shorter time may be used at a 
much higher temperature such as is obtained under pressure, or the 
material may be heated for a shorter time on three successive days. 

References.—Preservation of Food in the Home, Univ. Mo. Bul, 
15 (1914), No. 7, pp. 1-8; U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 359, 426,* 
and 521. 

Correlation.—English: Stories of germ life. 


Problem.—To can any available vegetables, using the following 
methods: (1) Cooking on each of three successive days, (2) long 
cooking at the boiling temperature, and (3) cooking under pressure, 
if possible. -Compare the methods as to time and trouble involved, 
the keeping qualities of the products, and the amount of fuel required. 

Points to be brought out.—Complete sterilization is more difficult in 
the case of vegetables than in the case of fruits. The comparative 
value of the different methods of canning. The canned vegetables 
are an important addition to the winter’s dietary. 

References.—U.S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 259*,! pp. 30-32; 359. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Estimate cost of home-canned vege- 
tables, taking into consideration the different factors involved. Com- 
pare with the cost.of the factory-canned material. English: His- 
tory of canning industry (Encyclopedia). 

1 Farmers’ Bulletins marked with an asterisk throughout this publication are not available for free dis- 
tribution, but may be secured from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Wash- 
ington, D.C., for 5 cents a copy. 

ee ne a 


Problem.—Canning vegetables, continued. Use any vegetables 
available. | 

Correlation.—English: Select from lists of U. S. Department of 
Agriculture a Farmers’ Bulletin on some aspect of vegetable foods or 
cookery which would be useful in your home, and write to the Secre- 
tary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., for it. 


Problem.—To launder kitchen towels and aprons. 

Points io be brought out.—The soil and dirt may be removed by 
solution, emulsion, and mechanical means; soaking helps to loosen 
them. Clothes should be thoroughly rinsed in order to remove the 
last traces of any material in solution, as well as the soluble cleansing 

References.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Univ. Reading Courses, 
1 (1912), No. 11, pp. 183-136; Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Mis- 
souri], Mo. Bul., 13 (1915), No. 2. 

Correlation.—Chemistry: Soaps. English: Soap-making (Ency- 


Problem.—To prepare fruit juices, some to be used the next day for 
making jelly, and the remainder to be sterilized and kept for winter. 

Points to be brought out.—When the juice is to be used in making 
jelly the fruit must be cooked in order to extract the pectin, which is 
an essential constituent of jelly. The juice to be used in jelly making 
may be allowed to drip or may be extracted by pressure; the former 
method makes a clearer jelly, but often at the expense of flavor and 
quantity. The juices to be used for purposes other than jelly making 
preserve more of the natural flavor if extracted cold and sterilized 
at the lowest possible temperature. 

References —Univ. Ill. Bul. 8 (1911), No. 7, Goldthwaite; Pres- 
— ervation of Food in the Home, Univ. Mo. Bul., 15 (1914), No. 7, 

pp. 21, 22; U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Buls. 78*, p. 29; 122*, p. 27; 
175*; 644. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Comparative cost of clear and cloudy 


Problem.—To make jelly from some of the juice prepared in Lesson 

Points to be brought out.—Three constituents are necessary for 
successful jelly making—acid, pectin, and sugar. The amount of 
sugar added depends not so much upon the amount of juice as upon 
the amount of pectin in that juice. The usual proportion of sugar, 
one cup to each cup of juice, is too much in the case of a juice in 



which the amount of pectin is small or in the case of a fruit in which 
large amounts of water are necessary for the extraction. It should be 
cooked until it jells. This pomt has been reached when a ther- 
mometer inserted in the solution indicates a boiling point of 103° C. 
(217° F.). Ina few cases it is necessary to cook the juice to a higher 
temperature, 105° C. (218° F.). 

References.—Univ. Ill. Bul., 8 (1911), No. 7, Goldthwaite; Preser- 
vation of Food in the Home, Univ. Mo. Bul., 15 (1914), No. 7, pp. 

Correlation.—Physics: The effect of substances in solution upon 
the boiling point of that solution. Arithmetic: Explain the different 
thermometers, Fahrenheit. and Centigrade, and compute changes of 
readings from one to the other. 


Problem.—Examination of the jellies made last time, an analysis 
of the process, and a discussion of the reasons for any variations in 
the results. 

Points to be brought out.—Failure may be due to (1) absence of 
pectin in the juice. This can be determined by the alcohol test. 
(Ref. Univ. Mo. Bul., 15 (1914), No. 7, Preservation of Food in the 
Home, p. 23); (2) a deficiency of acid which prevents a perfect jelly 
from forming. Sugar sometimes crystallizes out from a jelly made 
from juice containing a small proportion of acid. If cooked too long, 
a candy rather than a jelly will result. 

References.—U. 8S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 78*, 122*, 175*. 

Correlation.—Chemistry: Result obtained by boiling cane sugar in 
an acid solution, and the effect of this in retarding crystallization. 


Problem.—To study the water supply from the standpoint of its 
use for laundry purposes. Wash the laboratory aprons and towels 
in water from different sources and compare the ease of the process, 
the amount of soap required, and the appearance of the article after 
laundering. In case the water is very hard, test the effectiveness of 
various alkalis in softening it. Show how to detect an alkali. 

Points to be brought out.—Hardness of water is due to the mineral 
matter in solution. Some of this is thrown out of solution when the 
water is boiled. Hardness of water which may be corrected by boil- 
ing is termed temporary hardness. That which is not remedied by 
boiling is called permanent hardness. Soap does not dissolve readily 
in hard water because it forms an insoluble compound with the 
mineral matter present. The scum which forms on the top of hard 
water when we use soap with it is an example of such an insoluble 





compound. Alkalis soften water by throwing the mineral com- 
pounds out of solution. Care must be taken to avoid using an alkali 
which will harm the material to be washed. 

References.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 (1912), - 
No. 11, pp. 114-117; Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Missouri], Mo. 
Bul., 13 (1915), No. 2, p. 82; any good book on home laundry 

Correlation.—Chemistry: Alkalis and the means of detecting them. 

Supplementary topic.—Describe the water supplies on your home- 
stead, and suggest ways of making the water supply more convenient 

at the house, 

Problem.—To recook any jelly which was found unsatisfactory at 
the last lesson. 

Points to be brought out.—If an examination of the juice shows too 
little pectin, add some from another source, such as apple or white 
rind of the orange or lemon. If the juice is not sufficiently acid, add 
an acid from another source, lemon juice or citric acid. In case the 
proper amount of sugar has not been used, make the necessary cor- 
rection. In some cases a soft jelly may be stiffened by allowing it 
to stand for a short time in the sun. 

References—Univ. Ill. Bul., 8 (1911), No. 7, Goldthwaite; Pres- 
ervation of Food in the Home, Univ. Mo. Bul., 15 (1914), No. 7, Cov- 
ering with paraffin; U.S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 78*, p. 29; 122*, 
Do 20s lio. ) 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Estimation of the cost of the jelly. 
Comparison in cost with the commercial product. 

Supplementary toprc.—List the kinds of fruits you know which will 
and which will not jelly. Ascertain the localities in the United States 
in which fruit raising is an important industry. 


Problem.—Let each student clean her room and write an account 
of the process, giving the reason for eachstep. Discuss these accounts 
in class and make a plan to be followed by each of the girls in the care 
of her room. 

Points to be brought out.—Thorough airing of bed and room is neces- 
sary. In cleaning care should be taken not to distribute dust. In 
dusting it is best to work downward from the upper part of the room. 

References.—Watson, Rules for Cleaning, Cornell Reading Courses, 
1 (1912), No. 23; a good book on the care of the house. 

Oorrelation.—Arithmetic or English: Time and energy cost of clean- 
ing rooms. Cost of equipment and supplies used. 


Problem.—To make marmalade. 

Points to be brought out——In a marmalade, although the fruit is 
much more finely divided than in the case of preserves, the fruit and 
juice should remain distinct. 

Reference.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 203. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Compare the cost of marmalade and jelly. 

Supplementary topic.—Discuss a plan for improving the quality of 
homemade preserves, etc., in a community by means of local institute 
or school of domestic science for farm women. 


Problem.—To plan a cap and an apron to be worn during the daily 
cleaning of the rooms. 

Points to be brought out.—The purpose of the cap is to protect the 
hair from dust. It can do this and at the same time be attractive. 
The design should be such as will admit of easy laundering. Let the 
students bring in designs to be discussed and from them make the 
selections. (The choice of the design will depend somewhat upon 
the experience of the class in sewing. In general, the simpler the 
better.) The apron should cover the dress completely. The bunga- 
low apron now so much used is of good design, is easily made, and will 
serve to introduce the later work on a gown. (See Lesson 78.) It 
is not necessary to buy a pattern for this apron, since the design is 
very simple. The apron should be made of gingham in attractive 
colors, with the cap to match. Emphasize especially the desirability 
of atneat and attractive appearance while at daily work and the suit- 
ability of specially planned work clothing, rather than soiled, cast-off 

References.—Any current pattern book. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Estimate the cost of cap and apron. 
Compare them with the cost of ready-made caps and aprons as 
priced in stores and mail-order catalogues. 

Supplementary toprc.—Outline a plan for the purchase by a group 
of 10 neighbors of a vacuum cleaner and gasoline engine to run it, 
each person to have it for a day twice a month; estimate costs, suggest 
rules for use, repair, transportation, etc. 


Problem.—To wash with different kinds of soap in order to compare 
their cleansing action, their effect on the color and appearance of 
the garment, and their lasting quality. To test soaps for free alkali. 

Points to be brought out.—Soap cleans by its emulsifying and dissoly- 
ing action. Study the different soaps and washing powders available 
and classify them according to their uses. 

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References.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 (1912), 
No. 11, p. 117; any household chemistry. 

Correlation.—English: The relative economy of the use of different 
soaps and washing powders. Discuss ways of reducing the amount 
of mud tracked into farm houses,including changes outside and inside 
(as walks and doormats), personal habits necessary, etc. 


Problem.—To make preserves, jams, and butters.- The points of 
difference and the means of producing the different types. 

Points to be brought out.—There is a definite standard for each of the 
above products. By controlling the conditions under which the dif- 
ferent fruit products are made we determine which of the products 
shall result. 

References.—U. 8S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 203. 

Correlation.—Agriculture or Nature Study: The fruits available in 
your community; best varieties. What new varieties might well be 
introduced into your community or on your homestead ? 


Problem.—Cut out and baste a dust cap and apron. 

Pownts to be brought out—The material should be carefully cut with 
long strokes of the scissors. The work is neater when the parts which 
are likely to slip have been carefully basted. We should not, how- 
ever, baste unnecessarily. 

References —Directions sent out by leaders of canning clubs. Any 
good book on sewing. 

Correlation—English: Write a description of cap and apron and tell 

how they are made. - 

Problem.—To discover the effect of soaking cucumbers in brine’ 
Weigh the cucumbers, place them in the brine, weigh them every day 
for several days, and note their loss of weight and the change in their 
appearance. Put into brine the material for the pickles to be made 
in the later lessons. 

Points to be brought out.—Salt, and sometimes sugar, may be used 
to draw the surplus water from fruits and vegetables which we wish 
to preserve by the use of sugar, spice, and vinegar. When the mate- 
rial is finely divided, the water may be extracted by mechanical 
pressure. This is a good time to show the effect of the very com- 
mon practice of soaking the fresh sliced cucumbers in salt water 
before serving. The salt draws the water from the cucumbers, 
toughening them and rendering them less rather than more digestible. 

References —U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 521; Office Expt. 
Stas. Bul. 245, pp. 87-90. 

Correlations —Botany: Osmosis in relation to vegetable cells. 
Agriculture: The varieties of cucumbers and their culture. 

83933°—Bull. 540—17——3 




Nors.—A series of lessons on mending has been planned, the object of which is 
not only to teach the girls how to mend but to give them definite standards for the care _ 
of their clothes and to develop in them the habit of keeping their clothes in order. 
It therefore seemed desirable to distribute the lessons over the school year rather 
than to have them all together. An attempt has been made in these lessons to 
include all the types of mending which the girls will find useful and to introduce 
them in the order in which they seem most likely to arise. The girls should, if pos- 
sible, at each of these lessons bring in any clothing that needs attention. According 
to the discretion of the teacher instruction may be given to the girls individually, 
or the individual needs may be made the basis of a class discussion. 

Problem.—To outline the essential points in the daily care of 
clothing, with demonstrations, as of brushing, folding, etc. To darn 

Points to be brought out.—Putting clothing away carefully does 
much to preserve its appearance. Neatness is essential. Frequent 
brushing and pressing do much to prolong the life of clothes. 

Reference.—Textbook on clothing. 

Correlations.—English: Write a story proving that a stitch in 
time saves nine. Arithmetic: Estimate costs, including the factor 
of time, of mending your own clothing, and the clothing of a family | 
of six. 2 | 


Problem.—To make soap, using, if possible, alkali leached from 
wood ashes. 

Pownts to be brought out.—Soap is made from a combination of lye 
with fat. When these are combined in the correct proportions, the 
reaction of the soap is neither acid nor alkaline. 

References.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 
(1912), No. 11. Ask the mothers. ? 

Correlation.—Arithmetic and English: Calculate the time neces- 
sary to make soap and the cost. Is the factory product cheaper? 
What is “chip soap”? Make a drawing of a pump or water pipe, 
with a flexible hose to fill the tubs; also of a stopcock at bottom of 
tub to empty it. Describe. 


Problem.—To remove the vegetables from brine and start making 
the pickles. 

Povnts to be brought out.—The liquid in which the pickle is pre- 
served is intended both to prevent decay and to give flavor. Unless 
the vegetable material is finely divided it must be heated in order to 
have the liquid penetrate. Finely divided pickles may be preserved 
raw if the pickling solution has sufficient antiseptic power. 

Reference.—Same as in Lesson 19. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Calculate the cost of the pickle. 

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Supplementary topics.—List the seasonal work in a household— | 
i. e., tasks in addition to daily and weekly routine; for which should 
men of household help or hired help be secured? How many hours 
a day is it wise to work, thinking of a well-balanced life? 

Problem.—To clean and care for a sewing machine. 

Notr.—This lesson is introduced at this point, as the machines have not been 
needed to any considerable extent up to thistime. The first few lessons have served 
to introduce some of the problems involved in its use. The teacher should demon- 
strate carefully the cleaning and oiling of the machine and the essential points in 
changing the tension, etc. Each girl should have charge of a machine for a stated 

Reference.—Book of instructions with machine. 

Correlation.—English: Write a set of rules for the routine care of 
amachine. Costs of various machines (get catalogues). Can a gaso- 
line engine be arranged to run the sewing machine? Make a draw- 

ing to show how. 

Problem.—To finish the pickles. 

Points to be brought out.—It is necessary to have every bit of pickle 
completely covered by the preserving fluid. 

References.—U. 8. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bal. 521; Office Expt. Stas. 
Bul. 245, pp. 87-90. 

oration, —HEnglish: Compare cost of factory and homemade 
pickle. What light does this throw on value of woman’s home work ? 


Problem.—To score all food products preserved so far. Study the 
preserve closet. Prepare for a demonstration and exhibit for the 
neighboring women, to be held on a Saturday. 

Points to be een out.—There are definite standards to which 
these different food products should conform. The preserve closet 
should be kept in order and should be so arranged that all its con- 
tents are accessible. 

Reference.—Univ. Mo. Bul., 15 (1914), No. 7, The Preservation of 
Food in the Home. 

Correlation.—English: Draw a plan and make out specifications 
for a preserve closet: give reasons for its distinctive features. | 


Problem.—To work on apron and cap. 

Supplementary topic.—Explain the relation of a public library to 
the home life of its patrons. What does it do for them? Can loans 
of books be secured by your community from your State, county, or 
other library ? 




General review. 


Problem.—To finish apron and cap. 

Supplementary topics —How might six neighbors organize a maga- 
zine club, each subscribing for one magazine and exchanging, so as 
each to get the use of allsix? Draw up plan, list of magazines, costs, 
rules for ordering, for exchange, etc. 


Problem.—To sterilize petri dishes and plate. Pour tubes of agar 
into petri dishes for experiments in the next lesson. 

Notre.—The tubes of agar should be prepared by the teacher or an advanced class. 

Points to be brought out.—For any material to remain aseptically 
clean it must not be touched by anything which has not been sterilized. 
Reference.—Any good bacteriology of the household. 


Problem.—The weekly care of the bedroom. On the day usually 
devoted to this work the room should be carefully cleaned and an 
account written of the various steps, with the reasons for them. The 
following experiments with the petri dishes are suggested to make 
the reasons for the various steps in the cleaning process more clear: 
Expose 12 petri dishes as follows: (1) Immediately after sweeping 
a carpet, (2) immediately after sweeping a bare floor, (3) one-half 

hour after sweeping, (4) one hour after sweeping, (5) one and one- 

half hours after sweeping, (6) two hours after sweeping, (7) after 
dusting with a feather duster, (8) after dusting with a dry cloth, (9) 
after dusting with an oiled cloth, (10) after making a feather bed, 
(11) after brushing a skirt in the room, and (12) after brushing shoes 
in the room. 

Note.—The purpose of these lessons is to give directions for the care of the room. 
Stress just those points which seem to be most needed by the different girls. These 
experiments can be outlined on any convenient day and the plates exposed whenever 
the rooms are cleaned. 

Points to be brought out.—A bare floor is more sanitary than a car- 
peted one. In sweeping we should aim to collect and remove dust, 
not to scatter it. A sufficient time should be allowed after sweeping — 
to insure the settling of the dust. An oiled cloth is best for collecting 
dust. Making a bed, brushing a skirt, and brushing shoes all serve 
to distribute dust and bacteria in the room. 

Reference.—Watson, Rules for Cleaning, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 
(1942)> Nox 23. 

Correlation.—English: Write an account of the ways that girls pol- 
lute the air of their rooms unnecessarily. Make constructive recom- — 



Problem.—To prepare oil dusters and equip a cleaning closet 
There should, if possible, be a cleaning closet accessible to the girls 
on each floor of the dormitory or of the home. If this is already 
equipped, the equipment should be carefully gone over and put in 
order. The girls should be responsible for seeing that it is kept in 
order. This furnishes a splendid opportunity for the study of equip- 
ment for cleaning. 

Points to be brought out.—Time is saved in cleaning and the work 
is better done if good apparatus is provided. A cleaning closet is 
desirable for then we know where to find our cleaning appliances. 

Reference.—Watson, Rules for Cleaning, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 
(1912), No. 23. 

Correlation.—English: Write a description of and estimate the cost 
of equipping a cleaning closet. List costs of improved cleaning appli- 
ances—dustless dusters, carpet sweepers, and hand vacuum cleaners. 
Would the gasoline engine used on milk separator and washing 
machine run a vacuum cleaner? How? (Get catalogues and prices.) 


Problem.—To make vinegar. 

Points to be brought out—Microorganisms are not always harmful 
in the household. By controlling them properly we may make them 
useful. We may use them in the making of vinegar. 

_References.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 233*, p. 28; 276*, 

Supplementary topic.—English: Beekeeping, a vocation for farm 

women. (Secure Farmers’ Bulletins, catalogues.) 


Problem.—A summary of the uses to which we may put micro- 
organisms in the home. 

Points to be brought out.—The importance of microorganisms in the 
ripening of cream and cheese, and in bread making. 

_Excursion.—Visit the school dairy or a near-by creamery and see 
how the milk is ripened with a starter, and, if possible, watch the 

process of cheese making. 

Correlation.—English: Write an account of the excursion. 

Supplementary topic.—Methods of organizing cooperative cream- 
eries. What household work might be handled cooperatively? 
Could washing? (See Journal of Home Economics.) 


Problem.—Make short-process bread, using compressed yeast if 
available. If there is a bakery in the vicinity the yeast can usually 
be procured there, which grows very rapidly when the yeast is fresh. 


Points to be brought out—The time required in making the bread, 
other conditions being the same, is directly dependent upon the 
amount of yeast used. ; 

Reference.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 807. Textbook on 

Supplementary topic.—Essay on the Baking Industry in your home 
community in its relation to your home. What does it do, what 
might it do, for your home ? 


Problem.—Examination of the petri dishes exposed in the lesson 
on cleaning (p. 18). So far as possible, distinguish between the 
bacteria and yeast on the one hand and the molds on the other. 

Points to be brought out—The plates exposed at different lengths 
of time after sweeping show that the microorganisms have not com- 
pletely settled until about two hours after sweeping. There is danger — 
of distributing disease germs when we brush shoes and skirts in the 

Reference—Any book describing bacteria, yeasts, and molds. 

Supplementary topic—English: Describe the arrangements which 
you would suggest, in an ideal household, for cleaning shoes and 


Problem.—To wash the individual towels from the bathroom. List 
the processes involved. 

Points to be brought out.—Boiling is valuable as a means of cleansing 
and as a means of disinfection. It is possible to transmit disease by 
‘means of garments, towels, etc. Fresh air and sunlight are valuable 
disinfectants. Bluing is used to neutralize the slight yellow color 
which comes as the natural result of the action of hot water and 
alkali on the textile fabrics. Only a shght amount is necessary for 
this. More is used to cover up careless work and gives a dirty, dingy, 
blue color to the clothing. Kinds of bluing: (1) Indigo—little used; 
(2) Prussian blue, an iron compound, frequently causes iron rust 
stains; (3) ultramarine blue, a mineral compound, used in suspen- 
sion; and (4) aniline blue, a coal-tar product, the cheapest and most 
common type of blung. Test and identify the bluings ordinarily 
used. | 

References.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 (1912), . 
No. 11. Any good book on home laundry work. 

Correlation.—Chemistry: Methods of identifying the different 

LESSON 37. - 

Problem.—To make short-process bread into coffee cake, cinnamon 
rolls, Swedish tea rolls, Sally Lunn, ete. 

Points to be brought out.—Necessity for practice m handling the 
dough and managing it so as to promote the growth of the yeast. 


__ Short-process bread is usually lacking in flavor and a little cinnamon 
and sugar will conceal the absence. 
Reference.—Any good book on food preparation. 
Correlation.—English: Write a description of how each of the above 
products should be made. 


Problem.—Study of yeasts and conditions under which they live 
best. Study the forms in which they may be obtained. Start sponge 
from yeast foam. 

Reference.—U. 8. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 807. 

Correlation.—English: Write a story of a cake of yeast. é 


Problem.—To make bread, using sponge from the dried yeast, the 
so-called yeast foam. Use bread mixer. 

Points to be brought out.—In the dried yeast cake the yeast is in a 
dormant state. It must have time to get started, therefore we soften 
the cake with luke-warm water and let it grow in the sponge. Dried 
yeast is used almost exclusively m the country because it does not 
deteriorate rapidly. The bread should be formed into loaves which 
are not too large to permit of proper baking. 

Reference.—Textbook on food. 

Notre.—Do not let the students get the idea that compressed yeast can not be 
used in making long-process bread. 

Correlation.—English: Describe the different kinds of yeast avail- 
able, with prices. | 


_Problem.—To score bread and review all the ae eeeled 3 in its 

Points to be brought out.—If good bakery bread may be ape it 
is Sometimes uneconomical to Sunk bread at home. ‘The cost of fuel 
and the value of the worker’s time must be taken into consideration. 

_ Reference-—Any good book on food preparation. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Compare the cost of homemade and 

baker’s bread. 


_ Problem.—To inspect kitchen linen and make additional toweis, if 
any are necessary. 7 

Points to be brought out.—There should be an adequate supply of 
dish towels and cloths. Both should be neatly hemmed. ‘The best 

materials are those which absorb water easily and leave no lint. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Determine the amount of kitchen imen 
necessary for a family of six and estimate the cost. 



Problem.—To grow yeast. 

Points to be brought out.—Yeasts are grown, not made. 

References —Any old-fashioned recipe book. Ask mothers for 
method they have used. 

Supplementary topic.—Discuss possible ways of shortening the work- 
day of the farmer’s wife. Is it longer than the man’s day? Will 

shortening his help hers ? 

Problem.—To make bread from yeast grown in different ways and 
to compare the resulting flavors. Start sponge for the salt-rismg 
bread. (See next lesson.) 

Points to be brought out.—The yeasts grown in the different ways may 
affect the flavor of the bread through some constituent which in itself 
may change the flavor, or through the retarding action of some one 
constituent on some of the microorganisms which may enter the brew. 
The sponge must contain an abundance of carbohydrate material, part 
of which is in soluble form, and sufficient nutritive material for the 
growth of the yeast. Hops are added as an antiseptic. 

Correlation.—English: The yeast industry, the wheat belt, the flour 


Problem.—To make salt-rising bread. 

Points to be brought out.—Bacteria may be used as well as yeast im 
the production of gas to make bread hight. Cornmeal is used in the 
household as a source of these organisms when we make salt-risit.g 
bread. We always find in conjunction with them certain other organ- 
isms which give the typical flavor to the bread. Salt is used in this 
bread to prevent the growth of some undesirable organisms. Milk is 
essential as food for the bacteria. They grow best at a higher tem- 
perature than yeast. This bread has a distinct flavor very much 
liked by some. 

Suggestion.—This can be made into a loaf or served hot in the form 
ofrolls. Itis especially desirable for toast. Baking it in small baking 
powder tins gives the whole loaf a brown crust and insures round, 
well-shaped slices. 

Supplementary topic.—Breads of different lands. Stoves of dif- 
ferent lands. 


Problem.—To finish the work with the kitchen linen. It should all 
be marked and put away in an orderly manner. ‘The first-year stu- 
dents may have the task of keeping the kitchen linen in order for the 

Povwnts to be brought out.—Linen should be carefully marked and the 
date of its acquisition added so that we may know how long the dif- 


ferent kinds wear. A linen closet should be planned so that the dif- 
ferent kinds of linen can be kept separate and a person can tell at a 
glance just what is lacking. 


Problem.—How to keep well. 

Points to be brought out.—Health is that condition of the body and 
its organs necessary to the proper performance of their normal func- 
tions. Disease is a pathological or abnormal physiologic state. 
Kinds of disease: (1) Autogenic, those which arise in the body—indi- 
gestion, rheumatism, gout, nervousness, etc.; (2) contagious, those 
which are due to micro-organisms coming from the outside. Pro- 
phylaxis is the use of hygienic or other precautions for the prevention 
of disease. It may consist of (a) disinfection, (b) keeping the body 
in healthful condition so that it may resist the attacks of disease- 
producing microorganisms. Means of keeping well and strong: (1) 
Eating proper food in proper amounts, (2) getting sufficient fresh air 
and exercise, and (3) maintaining cleanliness inside the body and out- 
side. It is our duty to keep well. We become ill when we disobey 
the laws of nature. 

Reference.—Any good book on personal hygiene. 

Supplementary toprc.—Hstimate in dollars and cents the cost to the 
family of the illness of some person whom you know. How is sickness 
a cost to the community? What does your community do to protect 
its members against sickness ? : 


Problem.—General summary and review of bread. 


Problem.—The relation of food to health. 

Points to be brought out.—Food is probably the most important 
factor in the question of health. We should have it in proper kind 
and amount. Meals should be properly distributed throughout the 
day. The dangers from eating between meals are due to lack of 
sufficient intervals of rest for the stomach and also to the fact that 
food taken in this way is likely to take away the appetite for 
the regular meals. Girls who indulge in candy and sundaes between 
meals are liable to be undernourished. We need to study the food 
question carefully not only because certain autogenic diseases are 
the direct result of improper food, but because improper food lowers 
the body resistance and makes us more susceptible to contagious 
diseases. One of the best means of preserving heaith is the right 
choice of food. 

Reference-—Any good book en food and nutrition. 

83933°—Bull. 540—17——4 


Correlation.—Chemistry: Compare the composition of the body — 
with that of some typical foods. 

Supplementary topic—What books on food should a housewife 
have? Plan the entire library of an ideal farmer’s family. What 
general subjects would be included in such a library ? 


Problem.—To bake apples and to cook cranberries. 

Points to be brought out-—Apples cook more quickly with the skins 
on and the coresremoved, Water is unnecessary in most cases. The 
skin keeps in the steam and the volatile flavors. Apples which have 
been pared and cooked without any water in the fireless cooker 
approximate baked apples in flavor. In cooking cranberries we add 
the sugar at the beginning of the operation if we wish the berries to 
hold their shape, at the end if we wish to make a sauce of them. 
Fruits are very valuable in the daily dietary, because they furnish 
mineral matters and mild acids, and should appear in some form other 
than rich preserves at least once daily. | 

Reference —U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 293. 

Correlation.—Chemistry: Make a list of some of the chemical 
elements which are important constituents of fruits and list the 
fruits in which they are present in the largest amounts. English: 
List and discuss varieties of apples available in your community. 
What kinds would you like on your farm ? 


Problem.—To study the relation of fresh air and exercise to health. 

Points to be brought out.—Stress the value of fresh air and exercise. 
Night air is not harmful. It has been proved that outdoor sleeping 
even in cold climates increases the resistance to disease and renders 
one less susceptible to colds. 

Reference-—Book on personal hygiene. 

Correlation.—Physical training: Make out a weekly schedule which 
will furnish exercise of the proper type in the required amount; men- 
tion outdoor fun which a neighborhood group or a family group can 
occasionally enjoy together. 


Problem.—To study the relation of personal cleanliness to health; 
toilet soaps. | 

Points to be brought owt.—Personal cleanliness is necessary for the 
best health. It includes daily bath to remove perspiration, oil, etc., 
from the skin; care of teeth; care of hair; sufficient changing of cloth- 
ing; and keeping the digestive tract clean. Constipation is the root of 
many ils. The purpose of the daily bath is to keep clean, not to get 
clean. The bath furnishes exercises to the skin. If one can stand the 


effect of a cold plunge, it decreases considerably the tendency to catch - 
cold. Toilet soaps should never contain a large excess of alkali. 
They should be made of pure fat. Perfume is frequently used to 
hide poor materials in soap making. The amount of water present 
in the soap determines the hardness of the latter. Since the way in 
which soap ‘‘spends’’ depends upon this hardness, it is wise to let the 
cake stand exposed to air for a while before using it. 

References.—Books on personal hygiene and household chemistry. 

Correlation.—English: Outline ways in which running water can 
be put into a detached farmhouse; ashower bath improvised. Deter- 
mine the difference in the time a soft cake of soap lasts compared with 
a hard cake of the same kind. 


Problem.—To cook dried fruit. 

Points to be brought out.—Slow cooking helps to soften dried fruit 
and makes it absorb more completely the water lost indrying. Soak- 
ing is valuable as a means of decreasing the length of time necessary 
for cooking. 

References.—Langworthy: Raisins, Figs, and Other Dried Fruits, 
and Their Use, U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook Separate 610; Farmers’ 
Bul. 771. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Determine the percentage of water ab- 
sorbed in cooking soaked and unsoaked dried fruit. Compare the 
composition of cooked dried fruit with fresh fruit. 

Supplementary topic—tlList the kinds of dry fruit available, with 
prices. (Stores and catalogues.) 


Problem.—¥ood as building material. 

Points to be brought out.—Food does two things in the body—it fur- 
nishes energy and it furnishes the material from which the body fluids 
and tissues are formed. About 6 per cent of the body is made up of 
mineral material, and unless this is supplied in the food we soon see 
the effects of such a deficiency. It is ordinarily conceded that suffi- 
cient mineral matter is present in the diet as usually selected. This 
is true only if we select our foods wisely and prepare them so as to 
retain as much as possible of this mineral material. 

References.—U. 8. Dept. Agr., Office Expt. Stas. Buls. 185 and 227. 

Oorrelation.—Chemistry: List the elements present in the body. 
Divide them into two groups, acidic and basic. 


Problem.—To prepare mashed potatoes. These should be cooked 
in different ways—baked, boiled with the skin on, boiled with the 
skin off, and boiled after being peeled and cut into cubes. Cream each, 


adding the same proportion of seasoning in each case. Compare as 
to flavor. If time and the following vegetables are available, compare — 
also the flavor of tomatoes baked in their skins with stewed tomatoes, ~ 
and beets baked in a tightly covered casserole with beets boiled in 
the usual way. (Unless the beets are very tender, the addition of a — 
very small amount of water may be necessary.) 

Points to be brought out—Many of the flavoring principles of vege- 
tables are volatile and are soluble in hot water. In baking a large 
portion of the volatile flavor is held in by the skin. Only those vege- 
tables which have a natural protective covering and contain suff- 
cient water to hydrolyze the starch and cellulose present can be suc- — 
cessfully baked without an artificial outside cover such as a casserole 
or a paper bag. A tight casserole is better than a bag, because the 

vegetable can be served in the dish in which it is prepared. When ~ 

vegetables are boiled and the liquor is poured off some of the nutritive 
material and much of the mineral salts are lost. | 

References.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 256 and 295; Office 
Expt. Stas. Buls. 43* and 45*. 

Correlation.—Chemistry: Make lists of the vegetables in which 
given elements predominate. 

Supplementary topic.—English: Describe the vegetables which you 
have eaten and the ways in which they were prepared. What vege- 
tables would you like to add to your kitchen garden at home? 


Problem.—Making a bed, its daily care, and a study of the essential 
bed clothing. 
— Points to be brought out—The bed should be aired each day. The © 
bedclothes next the sleeper should be frequently changed, since they 
are likely to be soiled from contact with the body. In no case should 
we use bed clothing next us which can not be frequently washed. 
Characteristics desirable in bed covers are warmth and lightness. 

Reference.—Any good book on household management or care. | 

Correlation.—English: Make a list of the bed clothing desirable for — 
a family of six and estimate the cost. Discuss metal bedsteads 
versus wood; different kinds of mattresses, bed springs. (Visit 
stores and consult catalogues.) 


Problem.—To put clothing in order and pack it properly for the 
holiday trip home. Any suits or dresses to be taken should be care- 
fully pressed. 

Points to be brought out—All garments should be examined to see 
that they are in perfect repair. Sew on any loose fastenings. In ~ 
packing all garments should be carefully folded so as to make as few — 


wrinkles as possible. Rolls of tissue paper or soft garments are fre- 
quently put between the heavier folds to prevent deep creases. The 
secret of successful packing les in careful folding and in packing 
tightly, also securing the clothing in some way so it will not slide 
about. Well-packed garments can be taken out unwrinkled and 
ready to wear. Spois on askirt are usually caused by the accumula- 
tion of dust in grease. The grease may be removed by the action of 
a solvent or by absorption. 
Correlation.—Chemistry: Test the solubility of fat. 


Problem.—To prepare the strong-flavored vegetables—cabbage, tur- 
nips, and onions. 

Points to be brought out.—Much of the objectionable flavor of some 
vegetables can be avoided by cooking in an open vessel. Have the 
same vegetables cooked with the cover of the vessel on and some 
with the cover off. Discard all the liquor from some, retain the 
liquor which is poured off from others, concentrate to reduce the bulk, 
and further volatilize the flavor and use with suitable seasoning to 
make a sauce for the vegetable. In all the lessons on vegetables 
have them well seasoned and attractively served. Emphasize the 
lack of fat in vegetables and the value of adding it as seasoning. In 

communities in which olive oil is used it gives a distinctive flavor 

which is very much liked. One of the charms of Italian and Grecian 
cooking comes from the use of olive oil. Well-made cottonseed oil is 
also good. 

References.—U.5S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 256; Office Expt. Stas. 
Bul. 245. 

Correlation.—English: Discuss canned versus fresh vegetables; the 

facilities and value of methods for the household storage of vegetables. 


Problem.—To prepare vegetables suitable for the Thanksgiving 
dinner. In this lesson the aim is to give the girls some suggestions to 
carry home with them. As many different ways of preparing vege- 
tables as possible should be tried. Each girl should try at least one 
while at home and report upon its success. We should try to honor 
the occasion by using vegetables in unusually attractive ways. 

References.—U.8. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 256; Office Expt. Stas. 
Bul. 245; Bureau of Education, Manila, Bul. 35 (Supt. of Documents, 
Washington, D.C.). Any good recipe book, especially one compiled 
in the vicinity. 

Correlation. English: Essay: (1) The Holidays, Festivals, and 
Birthdays, etc., of an American family, with suggestions for observ- 
ances. (2) What can the family do to develop in its members the 
religious spirit which is at the basis of Thanksgiving Day ? 


Problem.—To prepare some vegetable for the Thanksgiving dinner. 
This is to be done at home and a written report submitted at the next 
meeting of the class. 


Problem.—To put away summer clothing. (To be done while at 
home and a written report handed to the teacher.) 

Points to be brought out.—Ali should be cleaned and mended. All 
buttons should be in place. Cotton and linen garments should be put 
away without starch and rough dried; all others should be carefully 
pressed and folded, and as far as possible each garment should be 
ready to wear when taken out. 

Reference.—Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Missouri], Mo. Bul., 13 
(1915), No. 2. 

Correlation.—English: What magazine seems to you to have the 
best discussions of dress; why? What magazines would you suggest 
for a farmer’s family composed of father, mother, boy of 16, girl of 12, 
boy of 10, assuming that they have $15 a year for magazines? Give 
reasons for your choice. - | 


Problem.—Christmas sewing. Six lessons are given over to the 
Christmas sewing. No special outlines will be worked out for these 
lessons. ‘The aim of these lessons should be to foster the true Christ- 
mas spirit and at the same time to furnish practice in some of the 
fancy stitches. 

Points to be brought out.—In the making of Christmas gifts every- 
thing should be either useful or beautiful, wherever possible both. 
Emphasize especially the utility of the gift and it adaptation to the 
person for whom it is intended. Keep the expense down as much as 
possible. Teach the pupils to use the materials at hand and those 
which are available at shght expense. 

Reference-—Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Missouri], Mo. Bul., 13 
(1915), No. 2, pp. 21-29. 

Supplementary topic.—Discuss principles underlying the exchange 
of gifts between members of a family. 

i LESSON 62. 

- Problem.—To analyze the successes and failures in preparation of 
vegetables at home and discuss the selection and care of vegetables. 

Points to be brought out.—Fresh vegetables should be used as soon 
as possible after gathering since the flavor changes on standing. 
Crispness is a desirable characteristic. This crispness comes from 
the presence of water and is lost with evaporation. 

References.—U. 8. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 375, pp. 24-28, 31-34; 
Office Expt. Stas. Bul. 245, pp. 91-94. 



General review. 

Problem.—To make peanut brittle. It is better to make this by 
simply melting the sugar without the addition of water. 

Pownts to be brought out.—Dry heat melts sugar, changing it first to a 
light brown sirup which hardens on cooling and is the basis of brittle 
candies. If the heating were carried further there would be a con- 
tinued browning and the material called caramel would be formed. 
Water is given off during the process of melting. 

Reference.—Any good book on food preparation or candy making. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Calculate the cost of homemade peanut 
brittle and compare it with the price of that bought at the store. 


Start Christmas sewing. (See Lesson 56.) 

Supplementary topic.—Make a working plan for the control of money 
in the family. Should the father have sole control, or father and 
mother plan jointly for expenditures? At what age should children 
be told about family finances ? 


Christmas sewing. (See Lesson 56.) 

Supplementary toprc.—Many children are given a regular allowance 
of money for clothing, for savings, for gifts. Write a story of a 
girl’s allowance and what she did with it. What are the advantages 
in having an allowance? 


Problem.—To make fudge. 

Points to be brought out.—In making fudge we dissolve the sugar and 
other materials in water and cook until a definite concentration is 
reached, then by beating we recrystailize the sugar, or, as we say, 
make it ‘‘cream.’’ In these candies we wish the crystals to be very 
small, so small that they can not be felt separately on the tongue. 
We are able to do this partly on account of a change brought about 
in the sugar during the cooking process, and partly by controlling 
the conditions under which the crystallization has taken place. 
The cooking changes are hastened by the addition of a weak acid. 
If too much acid is added the change goes too far and the candy will 
not cream at all. Does chocolate contain any acid? Brown sugar 

and sirups contain in varying amounts the same material to’ which 

sugar is changed on cooking, so when they are used acid is unneces- 
sary. Wecontrol the crystallization by beating only after completely 
eold, not stirring unnecessarily while cooking, and by keeping the 
erystals which form on the upper part of the vessel from falling into 
the cooking sirup. 


Suggestion.—This would be a good time to give the test for sugar. 
Have the girls test the candy in the usual household way to deter- 
mine whether or not it is done, then take the temperature of the boiling 
solution at this point. Record and compare very carefully the con- 
clusions of the different members of the class. 

Reference.—Same as Lesson 64. 

Correlation.—Physics: The relation of the boiling point of a solu- 
tion to its concentration. 


Problem.—To classify candies and study the pemctpies under- 
} thei tion. 
ee ee LESSON 69. 

Christmas sewing. (See Lesson 56.) 


Problem.—To make fondant, applying the principles worked out 
in the making of fudge. 

References.—Same as Lesson 64. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Estimate cost of fondant. 


Problem.—To prepare Christmas decorations. 

Points to be brought out.—Significance and spirit of Christmas. It 
is not a time for show nor merely for the exchange of gifts, but a season 
of happiness and good will to all. 

References—Current magazines; Betts, The Christmas Festival, 
Cornell Reading Courses, 3 (1913), No. 53. 

Correlation.—English: Write Christmas stories. 

Christmas sewing. (See Lesson 56.) 

Problem.—A consideration of the place and value of candy in the 

Points to be brought out—Sugar yields energy but no protein. 
Since it satisfies the appetite very readily, its free use may result in 
one’s not taking a sufficient amount of other more important foods. 
On this account it should not be eaten before the meal but afterwards. 
Sugar may cause teeth to decay partly because the person who eats 
excessive amounts of sugar is not getting the right amount of mate- 
rial—mineral matter—to build teeth. We can not keep well and 
strong when we allow sugar to take the place of the protem which 
builds muscle or of the vegetables which supply mineral matter. 

References.—Same as Lesson 64; also U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ 
Bul. 535, pp. 26 and 30. 



Problem.—To make fondant. Duplicate as far as possible candies 
seen in the stores. Caramels, taffy, and divinity should be prepared 
this lesson. If it seems desirable and there is time, an extra outside 
lesson might be given on candy. In this all the girls would be 
interested. The candy might be sold or, in keeping with the holiday 
spirit, might be given to the poor in the neighborhood, or the students 
might furnish their own materials and take home with them the 
candy so prepared. 

References.—¥Food text. A good recipe book. 

Christmas sewing. (See Lesson 56.) 

Problem.—To outline a plan by which an account can be kept of the 
expenditure of time and money. 

Points to be brought out—We must keep accounts in order to be 
able to tell whether we are getting adequate returns from our expendi- 
tures. We should keep account of the expenditure of time as well as 

Reference.—Book on household management. 

Correlation.—English: Home accounts as related to farm accounts, 
U.S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 511 and 572. 


Problem.—To review the work on sugars, classify the sugars and 

References.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 535 and 653. 

Correlation.—English: Write stories of sugar growing and manu- 
facture, and beet sugar in the United States. 


-Problem.—To plan a nightgown. 

Points to be brought out.—The gown should be loose, simple, easily 
made, and easily laundered. The trimming should be flat and dur- 
able. The material should be soft and durable, without finish. 
Suggestion for working out.——The kimono nightgown fulfills all 
these conditions, especially when it is made from 40-inch material. 
It is easily laundered. It may beironed flat or may be put through 
themangle. If made of crepe, it needs no ironing. 

Reference.—Any good book on textiles or clothing. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Estimate the cost of the mightgown. 
Drawing: Draw designs. 

General review. 




Problem.—To draft the gown. 

Points to be brought out—Simplicity of the 

drafting and the 

advantage of adapting it to the individual figure. 

C ee 

Fic. 1.—Kimononightgown. Meas- 
urements: Length of front—from 
highest point of shoulder to floor; 
length of underarm seam; bust 
measure, loose. No drafting on 
paper is necessary. Material—at 
least a yard wide, and as long as 
twice length of front pius twice 
width ofhem. Foldin halfcross- 
wise (line AB): Fold in half 
lengthwise (line AC). Measure 
down from line AB to bust line 
(about 8inches). Draw DF par- 
allel to AB=one-fourth bust plus 
2 inches. HE (continuation of 
DF. FH=2 inches) forms sleeve 
seam. Bisect distancefromsleeve 
to bottom of material (point G). 
Draw linefrom F to G. Cut out 
triangle and use to piece out bot- 
tom (GKL), sewing straight sides 
together. Measure GL equal to 
underarm seam. Curve bottom. 
Draw neckas desired. Remember 
that the back of the neck should 
be 3 inches higher than the front. 

Reference—Any good book giving direc- 
tions for drafting underwear. 3 
Correlation.—Arithmetic: Keep accurate 
account of the time spent on drafting and 
making the different parts of the gown. 

Problem.—To sew up the seams and hem 
the gown. 

Points to be brought out.—Neatness and care- 
ful machine work are essential for beautiful 
underwear. In the gown the French seam 
gives the neatest finish. This should be 
pinned and basted to msure evenness. After 
some practice the seaming may be accom- 
plished without the prelimimary basting, but 
this should not be allowed until a certain de- 
gree of proficiency has been attamed. The 
hem should be turned and basted, then 
stitched on the machine on the right side. 

Reference—Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. 
[Missouri],Mo.Bul.,13 (1915), No.2, pp.64-78. 


Problem—To make cornstarch pudding. 
Substitute other forms of starch for the corn- 
starch and notice carefully any difference in 
the resulting flavor and consistency. Deter- 
mine whether or not flour could be used and 
how much would be necessary to give the 
desired consistency. 

Points to be brought out.—Cooking at thes 
temperature of boiling water aie: starch 
palatable, and probably shghtly more digest- 
ible. On this account the pudding is best 
cooked at least part of the time directly over 
the fire. The cooking may then be finished 

in the upper part of the double boiler, where stirring is unnecessary. 

References.—U. 8S. Dept. 

recipe book. 


as food. 

Agr., Office Expt. Stas. Bul. 202; a good 

Discuss the different sources of starch used 



Problem.—To finish the neck and sleeves of the gown. 

Points to be brought out.—That neatness and simplicity are desirable. 
The little machine scallops which come in dainty design make a neat 
and inexpensive finish. Turn the raw edge of the gown one-eighth 
of an inch toward the wrong side. Hold the narrow scalloped braid 
that the scallop stands out beyond the edge and at the same time the 
solid portion of the braid covers the raw edge of the turn. Care- 
fully baste in this position and stitch with two rows on the right side. 

Reference.—Same as in Lesson 81. 

Supplementary topics—Discuss the storage of one’s personal 
clothing; the proper distribution of articles in bureau drawers; 
wardrobes with coat and dress hangers, etc., for both men and women 
of family. Work out a plan for partitions in a bureau drawer to 
store separately various kinds of things. 


Problem.—Teo prepare cream toast, using flour to thicken the milk. 

Points to be brought out—Dry heat dextrinizes starch, making it 
more digestible. One tablespoonful of starch is equivalent to two of 
flour in thickening power. Before adding starch to a hot liquid it is 
necessary to separate the starch grains by suspending them in a cold 

References —Textbook on foods; any good recipe book. 

Correlation.—Hnelish: List the dishes made with toast; tell how 
to make some one dish which you would hike to try at home. 


Problem.—To launder underwear which requires starch. It should 
be left to the next lesson for ironing. 

Points to be brought out.—The reasons for starching are (1) a glazed 
surface keeps clean longer; (2) starch gives the material ‘‘body,” 
increases its resistance to moisture, and makes it more attractive in 
appearance. The. kinds of starch used are wheat, rice, and corn- 
‘starch. Materials stiffened with wheat or rice starch are more 
flexible than those stiffened with cornstarch. 

Reference.—Any good book on home laundry work. 

Supplementary topic.—Draw a plan for a home laundry and list 
the appliances necessary, with prices. (Consult catalogues and 

visit stores.) 

Problem.—To iron the underwear washed during the last lesson. 
Points to be brought out.—Materials which do not require ironing 
save much time. Extra time is required to iron elaborately trimmed 
underwear. Simplicity in trimming and design is desirable. 

References.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 (1912) 
No. 11, pp. 142-146. 


Correlation.—English: Estimate the amount of time required to 
iron properly narrow ruffles used as trimming. What type of trim- 
ming is most easily ironed and at the same time the most durable? 
Describe different irons available for your home. Compare the cost 
and the convenience of irons heated on the stove, by charcoal, wood 

alcohol, etc. 

Problem.—To make cream soups, using the vegetables which con- 
tain very little starch, such as celery, cabbage, collard, cauliflower, or 
any other green vegetables. : 

Points to be brought out.—Cream soups are made in the same way 
as a cream sauce except that the liquid instead of being entirely milk, 
is composed of part milk and part the liquor in which the vegetable 
has been cooked, with as much of the vegetable itself as can be 
softened and rubbed through the strainer. The proportion of flour 
necessary to make a soup of the consistency of thick cream is one 
tablespoonful to each cup of liquid. As the amount of solid material 
in the vegetable liquor is increased, the proportion of flour added 
may be decreased. It is always necessary to add some flour, how- 
ever, in order to prevent the heavy particles of vegetable from 
settling. The proportion of butter added is usually the same as 
that of flour. It depends in part, however, upon the flavor desired 
and the part the soup is to play in the meal. (Leave cream tomato 
soup until the milk lesson.) 

References.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Office Expt. Stas. Bul. 245, p. 75; 

text-book on foods. 
LESSON 838. 

Problem.—To study the relation of clothing to health. 

Points to be brought out.—The primary purpose of clothing is pro- 
tection, not ornamentation. Clothing should not be so tight as to 
interfere in any way with freedom of movement. Shoes are made 
to protect the feet and to facilitate walking, not to make it more 
difficult. The clothing should be such as to admit of the proper 
ventilation of the body. 

Reference.—Textbook on clothing. 

Correlation.—Knglish: Write a composition comparing American 
and Chinese styles. 


Problem.—To make a bowl of palatable potato soup, and a variety 
of other cream soups from any available vegetables. 

Points to be brought out.—The value of cream soups as a means of 
utilizing skim milk on the farm. A cream soup may be made nutri- 
tious enough for the principal dish at a meal. It should be made 
very thin if it is to serve as the first course at a full dinner. In the 
latter case whipped cream should not be added to the soup. 

Correlation.—English: List all the different cream soups you have 
ever eaten or heard of, and tell how to make one which you would 
like to try at home. 

~~ es. 





Problem.—To plan a suit of underwear. 

Point to be brought out.—The garments should be adapted to the 
purpose for which they are intended. There is much chance for 
improvement along this line. 

References.—Clothing text. Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Mis- 
souri], Mo. Bul., 13 (1915), No. 2. The intelligent study of any cur- 
rent pattern magazine. 

LESSON 91. : 

Problem.—To draft the drawers. The design should have been 
selected in the previous lesson. 

References.—Same as in Lesson 90. 

Suggestion.—A draft for circular drawers may very easily be 
adapted from one for a circular belt or peplum. The latter may be 
drafted as follows: 




Ee ee 

K— — us 


a. b. 

Fig. 2.—Directions for drafting circular belt: The measurements required are the waist measure and the 
depth of the belt. Draw aline ofindefinite length (fig. 2a, XY). Onthisline mark point A ata distance 
from X equal to one-third the waist measure. Using X as a center and XA asa radius, draw an indefi- 
nite arc, AZ. On this are mark point B distant from A by one-half the waist measure. From A online 
XY measure the depth of the belt and mark the point C. Using X asa center and with XC as a radius 
draw an indefinite arc, CZ’. Draw a line from X to this are through B and mark the point of intersec- 
tion D. ACDB equals one-halfthe belt. In cutting lay line AC on lengthwise fold of the paper or goods. 

Directions for drafting circular drawers: Fold the pattern for circular belt as shown in figure 26 (AI- 
CD-BH). Theline CD is folded in such a way that B isl4inches below A. Lay on paper 36 inches wide, 
folded down the center. The fold CD should be placed upon a fold of the paper. From C measure the 
length dosired for the side of drawers, that is, down over the hip (CE). With B as a center and 
a radius equal to CE plus 1 inch, cut the edge of the paper at F. On the edge of the cloth measure 
up from F 3 to 4 inches for the leg seam, and mark this point G. Connect A and G and B and Gas 
shown in the illustration. This pattern represents one leg of the pair of drawers. 



Problem.—To prepare some typical cereal breakfast foods. 

Points to be brought out.—The value of the fireless cooker in the 
preparation of cereals. Cereals vary in composition according to the 
kind and part of grain used. 

References.—U.S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 105*, pp. 19-22; 237*, 
pp. 14-18; 249, and 316*, pp. 17-19. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Calculate cost of individual servings of 
the various cereals. 


Problem.—To prepare cornmeal mush, grits, hominy, and spoon 

Points to be brought out.——The grits or small hominy should be pre- 
pared by boiling as you would a very coarsely ground cornmeal. 
The large pearl hominy requires several hours at the boiling point in 
order to be sufficiently cooked. It lends itself especially well to prep- 
aration in the fireless cooker. Save any of the mush, grits, and 
hominy left for use at the next lesson. 

References.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 298 (Hulled corn, 
p. 21); 565 (Cornmeal mush, p. 10; Spoon cornbread, p. 19). 

Supplementary topic.—Describe the construction of a homemade 
fireless cooker; of an improvised one for use in camping. 


Problem.—To use left-over cereals. 

Pownts to be brought out—The mush or the grits from the last 
lesson may be reheated by frying. (Farmers’ Bul. 565,p.11.) Reheat 
the hominy in a skillet with a little fat. During the first part of the 
operation the mass may be stirred. Toward the last, the stirring is 
discontinued and a crust is allowed to form on the underside. In 
serving, this side is turned to the top of the dish. Polenta, an Italian 
dish, may be made from the mush by cutting it in slices in a baking 
dish and then sprinkling it with grated cheese, salt and pepper, and 
putting it in the oven until it is heated through and the cheese is 
browned. The variety of ways in which we may serve cornmeal and 
other corn products and the economy of cornmeal as a food should be 

References.—U. 8. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 298, 558*, and 565. 

Correlation.—English: List all the commercial cereal products, 
classify them in various ways. (Consult stores and catalogues.) 


Problem.—To cut and seam the drawers. 
Pownts to be brought out.—A fell made by machine on the right side 
of the garment gives a neat, strong finish. There is no special advan- 


tage in the hand fell except where the seam is curved, and the machine 
will not make a flat finish. 

Reference.—Same as in Lesson 90. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Estimate the cost per hour of a sewing 
machine which costs $25, lasts 20 years, and is used one hour a week. 


Problem.—To wash woolen underwear. 

Points to be brought out.—Strong alkalis dissolve wool. Weak solu- 
tions dissolve only small amounts of the fiber, causing it to contract 
or shrink. Use soap free from any excess of alkali. Very hot water 
or sudden changes from water of one temperature to that of a very 
different temperature is undesirable in the case of woolens. The 
character of the wool fiber is such that it tends to mat if rubbed too 
much. | 

Reference.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 (1912), 
No. 11. 

Correlation. —English: Write descriptions of the appearance of 
wool fiber under the microscope. 

Supplementary topic.—Discuss different plans by which running 
water could be put into your house, or some other house of which 
you know, and their comparative cost. (Consult Farmers’ Bulletins 
and catalogues.) 

; LESSON 97. 
Problem.—To cook rice. 

_ Points to be brought out.—In serving rice as a vegetable we wish to 
have the grains separate rather than in a gummy, pasty mass. This 
is accomplished by thorough washing to remove any adhering g particles 
of starch, cooking rapidly in so much water that no stirring is neces- 
sary, or by cooking in a smaller amount of water in the double boiler, 
or the fireless cooker, and driving off the excess of moisture by heat- 
ing after the cooking has been finished. These different ways should 
be tried in class. Unpolished rice is more nutritious than polished. 

_ References.—Bulletin on Texas and Louisiana Rice, Pass. and Ind. 

~ Dept., Southern Pacific R. R., New Orleans, La.; Miriam Birdseye, 
_ Rice and Rice Cookery, Cornell Reading Courses, 3 (1914), No. 55. 

- Correlation. —English: Write stories of the way rice is grown. 

_ Name different rice dishes you have known; describe the eee of 

one you like. To what country do we owe rice? 

Problem.—To make placket and band on drawers. 

Points to be brought out.—A good placket for drawers may be made 
with linen tape about three-fourths of an inch wide. (See Handy 

__ and Pract. Libr. [Missouri], Mo. Bul., 13 (1915), No. 2, p. 68.) If the 

__ Waistband is to be stitched on, apply it to the wrong side first, so that 


the final line of stitching will come on the right side. Instead of a 

band a flat, fitted binding or yoke about 2 inches wide may be used 

around the top. 
References.—Same as in Lesson 90. . 
Correlation.—English: Write description of the different kinds of 
plackets and their uses. Compare cost of home-made and ready- 
made underwear. Is woman’s home work worth money ? 


Problem.—Cereals and their value in the diet. 

Points to be brought out.—Cereals contain all the necessary material 
for the formation of the new plant. The outer layers contain the 
largest proportions of mineral matter, and also of plant fiber; the 
inner sections are richest in energy-yielding starch. 

Reference.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 249. 

Correlation.—English: Look up the countries in which the different 
cereals are grown and list them. Could any new cereal be introduced 

into your community ? 
LESSON 100. 

Problem.—To finish the bottom of the drawers, make buttonholes 
and sew on buttons. 

Points to be brought out.—¥inish the bottom of the drawers in the 
same way as was done with the neck and sleeves of the gown. The 
traditional finish, a ruffle, is not only more work in making and 
difficult to launder, but is objectionable in that it gives an excessive 
amount of fullness at a point where fullness is not desirable. 

References.—Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Missouri], Mo. Bul., 13 
(1915), No. 2, pp. 70, 71; clothing text. 

Correlation.—English: Discuss simplicity in dress. How far is 
the elaborateness, which means extra work, justifiable in woman’s 

dress ? 
LESSON 101. 

Problem.—Wash a wool sweater. 

Points to be brought out.—A neutral soap must be used, since an excess 
of alkali injures the fiber. The water used should not be too hot, 
and the successive waters should be of uniform temperature, for rapid 
expansion and contraction of the fibers tend to cause felting and 
shrnking. Too much rubbing also tends to felt or mat the fibers. 

Reference.—Any good book on home laundry work. 

Correlation.—English: Find cost for power-driven washers of 
various types—cost per week. (Consult catalogues for laundry 
equipment. ) 

LESSON 102. 

Problem.—To prepare tapioca, macaroni, and spaghetti. 

Pownts to be brought out.—These are often prepared in an unappe- 
tizng way. We should aim to season them well and not allow them 






to become too dry. Macaroni should be cooked until tender in boil- | 
ing, salted water. A good way to serve it is to put layers of the 
boiled macaroni in a baking dish with cream sauce and cheese between, 
cover with buttered bread crumbs, and bake. 
References.—Textbook on foods; any good recipe book. 
Correlation.—English: Write description of the process of manu- 
facture of these cereal products. 

LESSON 103. 

Problem.—To select a design and pattern for a princess slip or a 
one-piece garment to take the place of corset cover and skirt. To 
determine the size required. 

Points to be brought out.—This furnishes a good opportunity for the 
discussion of the value of patterns and the means of determining the 
size needed. ‘Two or three sizes shculd be selected according to the 
variations in the measurements of the different members of the class. 

References.—Current fashion magazines. Reference in Lesson 90. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Estimate in advance the amount of 
material necessary and the cost; then keep a record of money and 
time actually spent. 

LESSON 104. 

Problem.—To cook peas, beans, lentils, and cowpeas. 

Points to be brought ovut.—Beans and peas soften more quickly 
when cooked in soft water than when cooked in hard water, for the 
calcium in the hard water unites with some of the protein in the 
peas and beans to form a hard compound. It is sometimes possible 
to soften water by means of baking soda, but since the cook can not 
easily know how much soda is needed for the water in question, and 
since the soda may injure the flavor of the food, it is perhaps better 
to soften the water by boiling it previously if the character of the 
hardness permits of its being remedied in this way, or to use rain 

Leferences.—U. 8. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 121; 256, pp. 21-27; 

Correlation.—Chemistry: Action of soda on hard water. English 
or agriculture: Discuss a plan for a vegetable garden for your own 

LESSON 105. 

Problem.—To adapt the pattern to the individual girl and cut the 
princess slip. 7 

Points to be brought out.—Kach girl should cut a duplicate of the 
pattern which is nearest her size and adapt it to her measures. The 
slip should be carefully fitted before seaming on the machine, and 
E any necessary corrections made in the paper pattern. 


Reference—Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Missouri], Mo. Bul., 13 
(1915), No. 2, pp. 53-57. 

Supplementary topic—Make an inventory of your own wardrobe, 
with costs, for your own information. 

LESSON 106. 

Problem.—To fit and seam the princess slip. 

Points to be brought out.—French or felled seams are the most 
_ satisfactory. For the back either the hemmed or the faced placket 
may be used since either fits smoothly. 

Reference—Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Missouri], Mo. Bul, is 
(1915), No. 2, p. 68. 

Supplementary topic.—Child labor and the cotton industry, on the 
plantation and in the mill. 

LESSON 107. 

Problem.—To cook legumes in any special way. 

Points to be brought out.—Legumes are not to be scorned. A little 
care in their preparation makes them valuable and appetizing addi- 
tions to the dietary. 

References.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 121; 256, pp. 21-27; 
and 559. 

Correlation.—English: Write on the raising of some one legume 
which your family has not usually raised. 

LESSON 108. 

Problem.—To discuss the value of the legumes in the diet. 

Points to be brought out.—Legumes are valuable as a source of 
protein in the diet and on this account are useful as a substitute 
for meat. They also contain mineral salts which the body needs. 

References.—U. 5S, Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 121; 256, pp. 21-27; 
and 559. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Calculate the cost of definite amounts 
of protein obtained from one of the legumes. Compare with the 
cost of equal amounts of protem from meat. 

LESSON 109. 

Problem.—To make soups from peas and beans. Use either 
water or skim milk as the liquid. | 

Points to be brought out.—Judicious seasoning and the addition of 
fat are necessary in order to develop a desirable flavor. These soups, 
especially those prepared with milk, have a high nutritive value. 

References.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 256, p. 25; and 559, 

Correlation.—Agriculture: The relation of legume crops to renewal 
of soil fertility. Plan a rotation of crops including a legume. What 
legume crops have been raised in your community? What would 
be good for your farm ? 


; LESSON 110. 
E Problem.—Final fitting of the princess slip and turning of the hem. 
Points to be brought out.—The bottom of the skirt should be pro- 
tected in some way to prevent wearing. The traditional way is 
with a dust ruffle, but this is not always desirable when worn with a 
narrow dress skirt. In that case it may be better to use a small, 
heavy machine-embroidered scallop or the zigzag braid which comes 
for that purpose. | 
Supplementary topic—What is the proper length of skirt for an 
infant, for a girl of 8 years, of 14 years, an adult woman? Should 
skirts ever trail on the ground? What is the ideal width for a skirt | 
from the standpoint of comfort, regardless of style? 

LESSON 111. ; 
Problem.—Mending. / 
Correlation.—English: Plan and describe a systematic and orderly 

way of caring for mending supplies and materials, as in a special 

work table with drawers having partitions, or a set of boxes or 

LESSON 112. 

Problem.—Composition of nuts and their value in the diet. 
Points to be brought out.—Nuts are rich in protein and fat and these 
nutrients are present in a form that is fairly easily assimilated. 
Since they are concentrated foods they should not be used in quantity 
with a heavy meal, and only in combination with more bulky foods. 
Nuts are used as an ingredient of salad, in soups, as a stuffing for 
_ poultry, m the making of desserts, and in many other ways. 
Reference.—U. 8. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 332.* 
Correlation.—Geography: Look up countries in which the typical 
_ nuts are raised. Which nuts are adapted to your own locality? 
_ How could you secure new varieties for your own homestead? (See 
i LESSON 113. 
___Problem.—To finish the neck and sleeves of the princess slip, make 
_ buttonholes and sew on buttons. : 
Points to be brought out—Whether the neck of the slip should be 
finished with fullness or flat depends partly on whether it is to be 
worn under a loose or a tight-fitting garment. If it is to be worn 
directly under a thin material it should be high enough in the neck 
and broad enough over the shoulders to cover the other under- 
_ garments. 
__ Correlation.—Arithmetic: Compute actual money and time ex- 
_ pended in making slip and compare with estimate (Lesson 103). 

CATS POT ee alae a 
a ger Re ae] ether 

LESSON 114. 

a _ Problem.—To review vegetable foods in general. 


LESSON 115. 

Problem.—To review the sewing work and score the underwear 

Suggested score.—(This is adapted from a score given by Miss 
Mary L. Matthews, Extension Bulletin 23, Purdue University, 
Lafayette, Ind.) 

Score card for underwear. 

I. Structure: Points. 
(a) Suitability, of desen tose: 2... 222.22 2e2- tes ee 10 
(6) Choicelofamatertalea sy Se Fe oe Oe eee, Eee eters 5 
(c) Choice ofttrimmiumne seas eae ae eee ee ee te She De eee oe 5 
(d) Width and evenness in size of: 
Mee Cals sek oe Melyssa ge ace ee oe te oe 2h ee Oe 2 
2: SEOMs $2 22°20 5. hee ee ee en a ee ee 2 
O:, Ducks utes Sen Mekare rie tpl phe nt oo Oe eae 2 
4° Bands and: trimimings= 26 as 2 ae See anes SEP Se eee a 2 
5. Gathers. (When there are no gathers let these points go 
UNC er Ae ice mistawas, aleee te eva rere eee spe cic ee Scien ene 2 
(ce) Accuracy of Cwthing seems stn ent es te en eee SOT 
II. Stitches: “we 
(a), “Appropriateness 2. 02.5550 Sale eee re ot ee 5 
(bo) ovenness and neatness 4. 2:55) tte eer ee ee 15 
(@) Sizes ssc. A i ei Nee SU ee ei cog te ag ge a 10 
III. Finishing: 
(a) “Buttons and ‘buttonhotes sss ae a ee ee ee ee 10 
(6) “Fastening: of chreadvendssvas tse eae a4. Ste tee ete eee 5 
(c). Removal ofibastangsznic25 eos k Sets oe ee ae 5 
IV. General appearance: 
(¢@) ‘Cleantiness:of work. 222 US.26 eee eaete e e 6 
(6) :-Pressing: 0.2 volo. 2. sence Se ehae ee ne ee a 4 
Total cee ans Rois SAME Soh Pe I Sere i eee 100 
LESSON 116. 

Problem.—To study insects as a means of transmitting disease. 
To plan and inaugurate a campaign against the fly. 

Points to be brought out.—The fly may distribute disease germs to 
food. By killing the first flies that appear before they have had a 
chance to breed, it is much easier to keep their numbers down. 

References.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 155*; 412*, p. 11; 
and 679. a 

Correlation.—English: Write a story of how a fly helped spread a 
disease. Make a plan for controlling flies on your farm and for 
eradicating mosquitoes. 

LESSON 117. 

Problem.—-Soft cooking of eggs. Cook eggs in boiling water for 
3, 5, 7, 14, 30, and 60 minutes. Cook eggs for the same lengths of 
time in water which is boiling when the eggs are introduced, but 
which is set aside and not allowed to boil after the introduction of 
the eggs. Break the eggs and compare the consistency. 



Points to be brought out.—Eggs coagulate at a temperature below 
the boiling point of water. When cooked in boiling water the out- 
side is overcooked and in many cases the yolk is not completely 
heated through. 

Reference—Eggs and Their Value as Food, U.S. Dept. Agr., Bul. 

Correlation.—English: Write a story of a girl who made money to 
go to college by keeping poultry. 

LESSON 118. 

Problem.—Putting away winter clothing. The best means of pre- 
venting moths. | 

Points to be brought out.—The eggs from which moths develop may 
be present. ‘These must be killed or removed before the clothes are 
put away, for they may find in the packed clothes ideal conditions 
for their development. Since it is difficult to be sure that all moth 
eggs are removed, the clothing is usually packed under such condi- 
tions as to retard their development. 

References —U. S. Dept Agr., Bur. Ent. Circ. 77; Farmers’ Bul. 

Correlation.—English: The life history of the moth. What other 
insect pests has the housewife to fight? (See U. S. Dept. Agr., 
Farmers’ Buls. 626, 627, 658, 679, and 681. 

LESSON 119. 

Problem.—Apply the principles worked out in Lesson 117 by pre- 
paring poached eggs on toast, scrambled eggs, and eggs in any other 
way that the girls wish to try. 

Points to be brought out—A more digestible and palatable product 
results when the cooking process is carried out at a temperature 
below that of boiling water. 

References.—Textbook on foods; any good recipe book. 

Correlation.—Physiology: Show in what ways the method of cook- 
ing eggs may affect their digestibility. 

LESSON 120. 

Problem.—To select a design for a simple skirt and draft the founda- 

tion skirt pattern. 

Points to be brought out.—A well-fitted foundation skirt: pattern 
can be adapted to various skirt designs. Such a pattern is better 
suited to an individual than stock sizes of the commercial pattern. 

Reference—Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Missouri], Mo. Bul., 13 
(1915), No. 2, pp. 34-37, 53-55. 

Correlation.—English: Discuss clothing as an expression of per- 

LESSON 121. 

Problem.—To make a flytrap. Discussion of best methods of 
eradicating flies. 

Points to be brought out.—The best method of eradicating flies is by 
cleaning up the filthy places in which they breed. We may ‘‘swat”’ 
the flies, catch them in traps, or we may prevent their access to any 
water supply except one that contains poison. Screening of houses 
is an absolute necessity in fly-infected communities. 

References —U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 133*, p. 25; 532*, 

p. 22; 679. 
Correlatvon.—English: Make a list of the wood-working tools which 
every housekeeper should have at hand, withprices. (See catalogues.) 

LESSON 122. 

Problem.—The composition of eggs and their value in the diet. 
Effect of cooking on their digestibility. 

Points to be brought out.—Egegs are valuable as a source of protein 
and mineral matter in the diet. The digestibility depends not only 
upon the temperature at which they. are cooked, but also upon the 
flavor and the ease and fineness of division. 

References.—U. 8S. Dept. Agr., Office Expt. Stas. Bul. 143; Lang- 
worthy, Eggs and Their Value as Food, U.S. Dept. Agr., Bul. 471. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Calculate the cost of protein food as ob- 
tained in eggs at the prices customary at different seasons of the year. 

LESSON 123. 

Problem.—To adapt the pattern of the foundation skirt to the 
design selected and to cut skirt. 

Points to be brought out.—The foundation skirt may easily be modi- 
fied in accordance with the different designs. 

Reference.—Same as in Lesson 120. 

-(Drafting is advisable wherever possible, but if necessary a com- 
mercial pattern may be used instead.) 

Supplementary topic.—Make a list of the articles of clothing de- 
sirable for a girl of 10 years on a farm. 

LESSON 124. 

Problem.—To make an omelette. 

Points to be brought out.—An omelette is an egg mixture cooked in a 
pan over the flame. It is usually made light by the expansion of air 
incorporated in the white. Milk is added to make the mixture more 
tender, but should not be added in a proportion larger than one 
tablespoonful to each egg because the mass becomes too liquid. 
Cream sauce may be added in amounts up to one-third cup for each 

6 ote Stok) kk 




egg. In cooking, the aim should be to heat the mixture sufficiently 
first to cause the incorporated air to expand, and then to coagulate or 
“set”? the albumen which constitutes the walls of the air-containing 
cells. Heat must be applied gradually, else the underneath portion 
is overcooked before the mass is heated through. The top should 
not be browned. If the top is not completely cooked, it may be 
dried by placing the pan in the oven about 30 seconds. 

References.—Textbook on foods. Any good recipe book. 

Supplementary topic—Name of the varieties of poultry of which 
you have heard. Which kind would you prefer for a family flock? 
Which, if you were keeping them for commercial profit ? 

LESSON 125. 

Problem.—To baste and fit the skirt. 

Points to be brought out.—The first skirt should be fitted carefully 
and the necessary corrections made on the pattern. If the skirt is 
to be French seamed, be sure the seams are basted on the right side 
with edges of the proper width. 

Reference.—Same as in Lesson 120. 

LESSON 126. 

Problem.—To wash table napkins and remove stains. 

Points to be brought out—A stain is caused by the deposition of 
some material. Since the action of hot water and soap sometimes 
renders insoluble materials which are in the beginning soluble, it is 
wiser to remove all stains possible before commencing the washing 

In order to remove a stain a solution are be found in which the 
stain is soluble and which is not harmful to the fabric. Make a list 
of the reagents which should be present in every laundry for use in 
the removal of stains. Make a list of the ordinary stains occurring 
on household textiles with a corresponding list of the reagents which 

-will remove these stains. 

_Reference.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading eos 1 (1912), 
No. 11, pp. 128-132. 

“laid topic.—Describe the growing of flax and the making 
of linen. Discuss ways of making the table attractive when linen 
ean not be afforded. Cost of paper napkins; of oilcloth. Discuss the 
use of flowers upon the home table. 

LESSON 127. 

Problem.—To make a sponge cake. 

Points to be brought out.—True sponge cake contains both the white 
and the yolk of the ege. It is made light by the expansion on heat- 
ing of the air incorporated in the egg white. Lemon juice is added 

3 for flavor and for the effect that the acid has on the texture. The 


cake may be cheapened by substituting forsome of the eggs a liquid, 
preferably water, and baking powder, in the proportion of one-half 
teaspoonful of baking powder and two and one-half tablespoonfuls 
of water for each egg. The general proportions for sponge cake are 
one-fourth cup of flour and one-fourth cup of sugar to each egg, or 
equal amounts of egg, flour, and sugar, since each egg is supposed to 
measure one-fourth cup. Bake in an oven at 175° C. (350° F.). 

References.—Textbook on foods. Any good recipe book. 

Correlation.—Physics: Expansion of air. 

Supplementary topic—Discuss the omission of elaborate desserts 
in a home in which the mother is overworked. List desserts suitable 
for different occasions during the year. 

LESSON 128. 

Problem.—To seam the skirt. 

Points to be brought out.—The kind of seams used should be adapted 
to the material. If it is heavy, the seams should be tailor-stitched 
and the edges overcast or bound. [If it is light, French seams may 
be used. | 

References.—Same as in Lesson 120. 

Supplementary topic.—Discuss means of keeping the father’s and 

aa oi tela 

brother’s clothing neat and attractive—proper ways of folding and | 

hanging, coat forms, pressing, ‘‘dry cleaning,” etc. Neatness in 
working clothes. How often should overalls be washed ? 

LESSON 129. ~ 

Problem.—To determine the reasons for the great fluctuations in 
the price of eggs. Preservation of eggs. 
Points to be brought out—Large numbers of eggs are lost through 

inefficient handling in the homes and on the farm. Infertile eggs — 

keep very much longer than the fertile ones. Water glass is very 
useful as a preservative. Evidence seems to point to the spring egg 
as the best to preserve. 

References.—U.S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 103*, p. 17; 273*, p.17; 

296*, p. 29; 353*, p. 14; Production and Handling of Market Eggs, 
Mo. State Poultry Expt. Sta. Bul. 5 (1915). 
Correlation.—Arithmetic: Calculate the increase in price of 50 
dozens of eggs when held over from April until December, allowing 
for cost of water glass, crocks, and time necessary in handling. How 
many eggs might well thus be preserved for your family? How 

es: oy ieee 

era age ch Ta 

much would be saved by using preserved eggs and selling your fresh 

eges in winter ? 

Supplementary topic.—Describe a plan for a cooperative egg-ship- 4 
ping association; the shipping of eggs by parcel post. U.S. Dept. — 

Agr. Farmers’ Bul. 656, Community Egg Circle. 


LESSON 130. 

Problem.—To put the placket in the skirt and sew on the band. 

Reference—Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Missouri], Mo. Bul., 13 
(1915), No. 2. 

Supplementary topic.—ls it better to buy good fabrics for women’s 
dresses and men’s suits expecting garments to last several years, or to 
buy unsubstantial material and discard it after a short time? 

LESSON 131. 

Problem.—To iron linen by hand and in a mangle. Comparison 
of the amount of time used in each case. Suggestions for substi- 
tutes for ordinary table linen which can be cared for with less ex- 
penditure of time and energy. 

Points to be brought out—Much time can be saved by putting table 
linen through a mangle rather than ironing it by hand. Doylies and 
table mats require less time to launder successfully than the larger 

Reference.—Any good book on home laundry work. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Calculate amount of time saved by the 
use of a mangle in the laundry work for a family of six. How long 
will it take a mangle to pay for itself? (See catalogues.) 

LESSON 132. 

Problem.—To make angel and sunshine cakes. 

Points to be brought out.—An angel cake differs from a sponge cake 
in that we use the whites only and none of the yolks of the eggs. 
The proportion is in this case as before, equal measures (by volume) 
of egg white, sugar, and flour. One white is approximately one- 
eighth of a cup. Since the egg white contains so large a proportion 
of water, we add our acid in this case in the form of a solid, using 

- cream of tartar instead of lemon juice, and substituting some other 

form of flavoring. 

A sunshine cake comes just halfway between the angel cake and 
sponge cake. In it we use both the white and the yolk of the egg, 
but the number of whites used is larger than the number of yolks. 
The use of these cakes is to be encouraged, especially during the time 
of the year when eggs are cheap and abundant. 

_ References——Any good recipe book. Textbook on foods. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Calculate cost. 

Supplementary topic.—What do similar bakers’ cakes cost? “Why 
do we still bake cake at home? Is this wise if the mother is over- 

. worked ? 

piyagers : 

LESSON 133. 

Problem.—The preparation of custards. (This lesson should follow 
immediately the lesson on angel cake in order to utilize the egg yolks 
left over from the cake.) 


Points to be brought out.—The value of starch and flour as a means 
of thickening liquid has already been studied. The object of this 
lesson should be to give the students some idea of the value of the 
egg as a means of thickening and of the proportion in which it should 
be used. We have two classes of custards—soft and hard, depending 
upon the proportion of egg used and the method of cooking. Custards 
should always be cooked over or in hot water. ‘“ Boiled custard”’ is 
amisnomer. It should be called ‘‘soft.’’ 

References.—Textbook on foods. Any good recipe book. 

LESSON 134. 

Problem.—To finish the skirt. 

Points to be brought out.—The bottom may be either hemmed or — 

faced. All loose ends of thread should be carefully fastened. 

References—Textbook on clothing. Handy and Pract. Farm 
Libr. [Missouri], Mo. Bul., 13 (1915), No. 2, pp. 71 and 72. 

Supplementary topic——Discuss ways of putting away skirts so that 
they shall keep their shape; plan a method adapted to your own 

LESSON 135. 

Problem.—To press and score the skirts, and review the propio 
involved in making them. 

Reference—Univ. Mo. Bul., 15 (1914), No. 7 

Correlation.—English: The score-card method of judging may be 
applied to any subject the quality of which depends on several factors. 
Secure score cards for sanitary conditions in dairy, for judging stock 
(U. S. Dept. of Agriculture), for jams, jellies, etc. | 

LESSON 136. 

Problem.—To wash a colored dress, preferably one which is in dan- 
ger of fading. 

Points to be brought ouwt.—Colors fade on account of (1) the long 
continued action of water and soap, (2) the use of strong acids or 
alkalis, and (3) exposure to strong sunlight. In order to prevent 
the fading of colors we avoid so far as possible the above conditions, 
and in the case of especially fleeting dyes we attempt to set the color. 
Setting the color is accomplished by the use of a mordant, that is, 
a material which will bring about a stronger union between the cloth 
and the dye. Make a list of the chemicals most frequently used in 

setting colors, the proportion, and the colors for which they are used — 

(Rose, The Laundry, p. 139). A sample of the material whose color 
is to be set should be tested in each of the mordants and then washed. 
From the results one can determine which is the best to use. Apply 
this at the next lesson in the washing of the dress, observing all the 
above suggestion. 


References.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 (1912), 
No. 11, p. 139; any good book on home laundry work. 

Correlation.—English: Discuss clothing waste from cheap dyes; 
draw conclusions from personal experience and observation. 

LESSON 137. 

Problem.—To make a cheap sponge cake. 

Points to be brought out.—By the substitution of water and baking 
powder for part of the egg we may cheapen thesponge cake. Custards 
may be cheapened by the substitution of flour for part of the egg. 
Angel cakes and sunshine cakes may be cheapened in the same way 
as the sponge cake. 

References —Textbook on foods. A good recipe book. 

Correlation.—English: Explain the basis of the substitution and 
calculate how much is saved by it. 

LESSON 138. 

Problem.—General review of egg cookery. 

References —U.S. Dept. Agr., Office Expt. Stas. Bul. 43; Farmers’ 
Bul. 471. 

Supplementary topic.—Discuss: How far can the average southern 
homestead produce to advantage all the foodstuffs required for its 
own table? How can a larger variety be produced than at present ? 

LESSON 139. 

Problem.—To plan a waist. Each girl should submit a design. 
These should be discussed in class and modified if necessary. 

Points to be brought out.—A desirable design is simple and does not 
involve too much work. 

References —Textbook on clothing; current fashion journals. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Estimate the probable cost of the waist 
planned, in both money and time. 

Supplementary topic.—Discuss simplicity in dress and indicate 
desirable standards of simplicity, taking into account cost, durability, 
expense and labor of laundering, etc. : 

LESSON 140. 

Problem.—To draft a waist pattern. 

Points to be brought out—In drafting we are aiming to get a pattern 
adapted to the measurements of the individual. The system used 
should be as simple and rational as possible. Try the draft before 
using to be sure that it will work. Besure that you understand each 
and every step and know the reason for each one. The simplest 
draft with the fewest arbitrary directions is the best. Go over it 
with the class and be sure that they understand each and every step 


before stariing the work. In this way drafting can be made a ra- 
tional process and not a mere following of directions. Let the girls 
work in groups of two for taking measures and fitting. 

References.—Textbook on clothing; any reliable and simple drafting 
system for a waist. 

Supplementary topic.—Investigate the condition of the various types 
of workers in clothing establishments near your home, e. g., workers 
by the day, custom workers with their own shops; compare the busi- 
ness arrangements, wages, etc. Is there need of improvement ? 

LESSON 141. 

Problem.—Ironing of a colored dress. Pressing cotton and linen 

Points to be brought out.—The iron should not be too hot. The 
dress should be ironed on the wrong side. Frequent pressing im- 
proves the appearance of cotton and linen dresses. 

Reference.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 (1912), 
No. 11, pp. 127 and 145. 

Correlation.—English: Discuss proper storage of clothing as a 
means of reducing amount of pressing necessary; describe desirable 
equipment for ironing for your own home, e. g., the best kind of 
board. (See catalogues.) 

LESSON 142. 

Problem.—Finish and correct waist drafts, checking every measure 
carefully. Cut out in cheap lining material to be fitted. 

Points to be brought out.—Exactness is the most important factor 
in successful drafting. All the measures should be checked up to be 
sure that they are accurate. As a final precaution, a waist should be 
cut from cheap material and fitted. This fitted pattern is the one 
to be kept. 

Correlation.—English: Discuss exactness or precision in workman- 
ship as needed by the housekeeper in sewing, in cooking, in care of 

sick, ete. 
LESSON 143. 

Problem.—Preparation of cream tomato soup and a cup of choco- 
late or cocoa. 

Points to be brought out.—Acid curdles milk. This effect is hastened 
by heating. It is retarded by thickening either the tomato juice or 
the milk before combining them or seems to be because the thickened 
liquid holds in suspension any curd that may be formed. Therefore, 
in order to prevent the curdling of tomato soup we thicken either the 
milk or the tomato juice with the requisite amount of flour and com- 
bine them at the proper temperature for serving. ‘The use of soda to 

Na as 


neutralize the acid is not recommended since it may destroy the deli- 
cate flavor of the tomatoes, and, if used in too large quantities, is 
likely to cause indigestion. It is almost impossible to tell when just 
the correct amount has been used, since the acidity of tomatoes varies 
to such an extent. In boilmg the milk to make the cocoa, the scum 
usually formed on the surface can be prevented by stirrmg the milk 
or by boiling it in a covered vessel. 

References —Textbook on foods. Whipping cream, U. S. Dept. 
Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 384*, pp. 19-22. 

Correlation.—English: Describe the growth and manufacture of 
cocoa and chocolate; list the different brands available in your 
neighborhood, with prices. (Consult stores and catalogues.) 

LESSON 144. 

Problem.—To fit the waist pattern. 

Suggestion.—The pattern cut in Lesson 142 should be very carefully 
fitted and trimmed off at the neck and sleeves. When it is correct in all 
details mark the line of the seams, rip the pattern apart and trim 
the edge evenly, allowing one-half to one-fourth an inch for seams. 
This is sufficient to admit of French seams being made. Be sure that 
the seams are evenly trimmed. Cut the pattern in half down the cen- 
ter front and the center back. (It may seem a waste of time to draft 
and fit a pattern in this way, but it will more than repay you in the 
amount of time saved later.) 

Correlation.—English: Make the briefest possible list of patterns 
which could be adapted to the cutting of the garments made in your 
own family. How could you best store patterns systematically ? 

LESSON 145. 

Problem.—To prepare cottage cheese. It may be used in making 
sandwiches for a picnic for which the rest of the luncheon may be 
planned in class. 

Points to be brought out. = "The curd is separated from the whey more 
completely if the mixture is slightly heated. This separation is ac- 
complished by heating to 40° C. (104° F.). Heating to a higher tem- 

- perature than this toughens the curd. A picnic luncheon should be 
appetizing, abundant, and easily carried. 

References.—U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 202*, p. 28; 430%, 
p. 10. 
 Correlation.—English: Write an account of this picnic. List the 

places available for neighborhood picnics near your home. Is there 
a place on your farm where you could arrange an outdoor fireplace 
for occasional family picnics? Describe plans for such a picnic. 

LESSON 146. 

Problem.—To plan the different steps in the family washing. 

Points to be brought out.—Tuesday is the best day for washing, as 
this leaves Monday free for the mending, and gives opportunity for 
putting the clothes to soak on Monday night, if soaking is considered 
necessary. The steps in washing should be worked out in an orderly 
manner. Let each girl do her washing one week, treating it as she 
would a family washing and giving a definite reason for each step. 

Reference.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 (1912), 
No. 11, p. 132. 

Correlation.—English: Describe a plan for using a town laundry by 
means of parcel post. Work out the cost of your average family 
washing, including post charges to nearest laundry. (N. B.—Some 
southern families send laundry to distant city laundries.) 

LESSON 147. 

Problem.—To make rennet custard, and look at milk and cream 
under the microscope. 

Points to be brought out.—Rennet is an enzym and acts best at the 
temperature of the body. It is killed if heated to the boiling point. 
If added to milk which has previously been heated and cooled, it 
either does not clot, or forms a curd which is less dense, according 
to the length of time the heating has been continued. On this ac- 
count, when chocolate is to be added it is better to melt it in a small 
portion of the milk and then combine with the remainder. The fat 
is present in the milk m minute droplets. Such a mixture is called 
an emulsion. 

References.—Textbook on foods; U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. 
AD pe 21 

Correlation.—Physiology: Study of enzyms and the conditions 
under which they act best. 

LESSON 148. 

Problem.—To adapt the drafted pattern to the waist planned. 

Points to be brought out.—By slight changes the simple shirt waist 
draft can be adapted for use with more complicated designs. Tucks 
should be put in and allowance made for any fullness before the 
waist is cut out. Where the design is at all complicated a paper or 
cloth pattern should be cut first and tested by holding up to the 

References.—Textbook on clothing. Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. 
[Missouri], Mo. Bul., 13 (1915), No. 2. 

Correlation.—English: Criticize the waists from the standpoint of 
artistic design. 

LESSON 149. 


Points to be brought out.—In churning we are aiming to control con- 
ditions which make the small globules of fat coalesce. 

References.—Farm Buttermaking, U.S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 
92*, p. 23; 133%, p. 30; 186*, p. 29; 384%, p. 22; 412*, p. 28; 541. 

Correlation.— English: Discuss cream separators, those driven by 
hand and by gasoline engines; costs. Similarly discuss churns. (See 
catalogues.) Is it possible in your community to sell or ship milk? 
Cream? How could a market be secured? Has a cooperative cream- 

ery been discussed? (Farmers’ Bulletins.) 

LESSON 150. 

Problem.—To fit and seam the waist, joining the seams with bead- 

Points to be brought out.—A convenient way to use beading in a 
seam is as follows: Baste and fit the seam as usual. Mark carefully 
the line where the beading is to come, and rip the seam apart. Lay 
the right sides of the insertion and of the waist together, baste and 
stitch along the line of the seam so that the stitching comes exactly 
at the edge of the embroidery. The stitching will not show on the 
right side of the waist. Face back with the plain muslin at the side 
of the embroidery. This makes a neat and dainty finish for thin 
waists. It is quite as effective as when the beading is rolled and 
whipped in by hand, and is much more durable. 

Reference.—Textbook on clothing. 

Supplementary topic.—What garment could you make for your 
father—a cravat, a dressing gown, slippers, a lounging jacket? Do 
proper clothes help people to rest, to play ? 

LESSON 151. 

Problem.—To wash a soft silk waist. 

Points to be brought out.—The same care should be taken as in the 
_ case of wool. While the fiber is not so easily affected by alkali or 
| acid, it is usually more fragile, and must be handled carefully. 
|  Reference.—Rose, The Laundry, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 (1912), 
No. 11, p. 140. 

Correlatton.—English: Stories of silk culture. Can it be intro- 

duced into the South 2 
LESSON 152. 

Problem.—To determine the proportion of cream in ordinary milk, 
the percentage of fat in cream, and to make ice cream. 

Points to be brought out.—A great variety of flavors is possible in 
| ice creams. Fillers are used to add to the body of an ice cream. 
_ Fillers are starch, eggs, and pastry products. A binder prevents 


crystallization on standing. Binders are gelatine and vegetable ; 
gums. The percentage of fat in ordinary cream should be deter- — 

References. —Bacteriological Study of Ice Cream, U.S: Dept. Agr. 

Bul. 303; Ice Cream, Vermont Expt. Sta. Bul. 155. 

Concer Pre nee Use of ice and salt in making ice cream. 
Latent heat. Kinds and costs of ice cream freezers. (See cata- 
logues.) If you have a gasoline engine at home, how could it be — 
attached to turn the freezer? Make drawing. Milk tester; cost. 
(See catalogues.) 

LESSON 153. 

Problem.—The value of milk as food and the care of milk in the © 
home. 3 
Pownts to be brought out.—Milk is provided as food for the young. 

It contains all the food nutrients but they are not present in the 

proper proportion for an adult. It is food for bacteria as well as © 
human beings, so it must be especially protected against their en- — 
trance. They cause the souring of milk and in other ways render it — 
unfit for human food. | 

References.—U. 8S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Buls. 363 and 413. 5 

Supplementary topic.—Different breeds of cows. Which do you ~ 
prefer for a family cow? Which for a money-making herd? The ~ 
household refrigerator, construction and cost. (See catalogues.) : 

LESSON 154. 

Problem.—To make the sleeves for the waist and continue the 
‘ work on it. 

Points to be brought out—The most difficult thing in fitting a sleeve 
is to adjust the shape and fullness at the armhole. Sometimes © 
sleeves are cut in one piece with the waist. This saves work, but it 
is hard to fit them so that they shall not bind across the upper arm ~ 
nor be clumsy under the arm. 

References —Handy and Pract. Farm Libr. [Missouril, Mo. Bul., : 
13 (1915), No. 2. pp. 45-48; any fashion magazine. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Calculate the difference in time and 
material required in making waists with different types of sleeves. 

LESSON 155. 
Problem.—To finish the neck of the waist. 
Points to be brought out.—Waists without collars are comfortable 

and usually becoming. The neck should be neatly finished. A col-_ 

lar should not be so tight as to constrict the neck in any way. 

Reference.-—Textbook on clothing. 

Correlation.—English: Describe women’s neckwear in colonial fe 
times. Do you accept comfort as a fundamental requisite in select-— 
ing or designing clothing? Discuss this point. 

LESSON 156. 

Problem.—To wash and_clean ribbon. 

Points to be brought out.—The ribbons should not be rubbed. They 
should not be wrung out but dried between towels. A dry cloth 
should be laid over them in ironing. 

Reference.—Rose, The Launary, Cornell Reading Courses, 1 (1912), 
PNo. 12, p..141. 

Supplementary topic.—Discuss the place of decoration in dress. 
Is it the first requisite in clothing ? 

LESSON 157. 

Problem.—The preparation of salad dressings. 

Points to be brought out.—Salad dressings usually combine fat with 
an acid flavor. The fat separates from any liquid unless special 
precautions are taken to keep the two in combination. We com- 
bine them either as a temporary emulsion, or a permanent emulsion, 
or we keep the fat in suspension by thickening the liquid to which 
it is added with flour or with egg, or with both. Samples of all the 
typical dressings should be made. In some sections there is a great 
prejudice against the dressings made with oil. These should be 
made, but no one should be forced to eat them or even taste them. 
The students should understand that making mayonnaise with oil is 
just the reverse of churning. : 

References —Textbook on foods; any good recipe book; U. S. 
Dept. Agr., Office Expt. Stas. Bul. 245, pp. 20-26. 

Correlation.—English: Look up meaning of ‘emulsion.’’ Study 
principles of homogenizing milk and butter to form cream. 

LESSON 158. 

Problem.—To finish the waist. Sew on buttons and make button- 

Points to be brought out—A neat finish adds materially to the 
appearance of a waist. To use pins instead of buttons and button- 
holes is an untidy habit. 

Correlation.—Arithmetic: Calculate cost of waist and the amount 
_ of time spent in its construction. Compare with estimate of money 
and time cost in Lesson 139. 

| Supplementary topic.—Discuss how much a mother’s time is worth— 
to herself, her family, and society. 

LESSON 159. 

___ Problem.—Use the salad dressings prepared during Lesson 157 to 
_ make a number of typical salads. 

Points to be brought out.—All salads should be cool and contain 
_ some crisp material. The crisp materials should not be combined 


with the dressing until just before serving. Materials which are not 
crisp should be marinated (mixed with vinegar and seasonings or 
with oil, vinegar, and seasonings awhile before serving and allowed 
to absorb the flavor). Distinguish between a light and a heavy 
salad and the place each should take in the meal. 

References.—Same as in Lesson 157. 

Correlation.—English: List the different salads of which you have- 

heard. Discuss the place of salads in the regular family meal. Sug- 
gest salads for special occasions. Describe one you wish to try when 

you get home. 
LESSON 160. 

Problem.—Making and remaking of sashes and girdles. The rib- 
bons washed in Lesson 156 should be used. 

Points to be brought out—A little ingenuity will enable one to 
freshen up last year’s girdle or to make or trim one out of odds and 
ends of suitable material. 

References.—Current fashion journals. 

Supplementary topic.—Discuss the economic aspect of storage in 
carrying over clothing from one season to another. Plan a record 
book suitable for your own home to show what clothing is put away 
and just where it is packed, so that it can be quickly found as needed. 



Beans, Peas, and Other Legumes as Food. (Farmers’ Bulletin 121.) 

Canned Fruit, Preserves, and Jellies; Household Methods of Preparation. (Farmers’ 
Bulletin 203.) 

Cereal Breakfast Foods. (Farmers’ Bulletin 249.) 

Preparation of Vegetables for the Table. (Farmers’ Bulletin 256.) 

Use of Fruit as Food. (Farmers’ Bulletin 293.) 

Food Value of Corn and Corn Products. (Farmers’ Bulletin 298.) 

Canning Vegetablesin the Home. (Farmers’ Bulletin 359.) 

The Use of Milk as Food. (Farmers’ Bulletin 363.) 

Care of Food in the Home. (Farmers’ Bulletin 375.) 

The Care of Milk and Its Use in the Home. (Farmers’ Bulletin 413.) 

Grape Propagation, Pruning, and Training. (Farmers’ Bulletin 471.) 

Farm Bookkeeping. (Farmers’ Bulletin 511.) 

Canning Tomatoes; Home and Club Work. (Farmers’ Bulletin 521.) 

Sugar and Its Value as Food. (Farmers’ Bulletin 535.) 

Farm Buttermaking. (Farmers’ Bulletin 541.) 

Use of Corn, Kafir, and Cowpeasin the Home. (Farmers’ Bulletin 559.) 

Corn Meal as a Food and Ways of Using It. (Farmers’ Bulletin 565.) 

System of Farm Cost Accounting. (Farmers’ Bulletin 572.) 

Carpet Beetle, or ‘‘Buffalo Moth.”’ (Farmers’ Bulletin 626.) 

House Centipede. (Farmers’ Bulletin 627.) 

Manufacture and Use of Unfermented Grape Juice. (Farmers’ Bulletin 644.) 

Honey and Its Usesin the Home. (Farmers’ Bulletin 653.) 

Community Egg Circle. (Farmers’ Bulletin 656.) 

Cockroaches. (Farmers’ Bulletin 658.) 

True Clothes Moth. (Farmers’ Bulletin 659.) 

House Flies. (Farmers’ Bulletin 679.) 

Silver Fish: An Injurious Household Insect. (Farmers’ Bulletin 681.) 

Homemade Fireless Cookers and Their Use. (Farmers’ Bulletin 771.) 

Bread and Bread Making in the Home. (Farmers’ Bulletin 807.) 

How to Select Foods.—I. What the Body Needs. (Farmers’ Bulletin 808.) 

How to Select Foods.—II. Cereal Foods. (Farmers’ Bulletin 817.) 

How to Select Foods.—ITI. Foods Rich in Protein. (Farmers’ Bulletin 824.) 




The Preservation of Grape Juice and Sweet Cider: (Farmers’ Bulletin 78, p. 29.) 
Price, 5 cents. 

Pasteurization of Milk for Butter Making. (Farmers’ Bulletin 92, p. 23.) Price, 
5 cents. | 

Preserving Eggs in Water Glass. (Farmers’ Bulletin 103, p. 17.) Price, 5 cents. 

Cereal Breakfast Foods. (Farmers’’Bulletin 105, p. 19.) Price, 5 cents. 

Preparation of Unfermented Grape Juice. (Farmers’ Bulletin 122, p. 27.) Price, 
5 cents. : 

A Device for Ridding Houses of Flies. (Farmers’ Bulletin 133, p. 25.) Price, 5 cents. 

How Insects Affect Health in Rural Districts. (Farmers’ Bulletin 155.) Price, 5 

Home Manufacture and Use of Unfermented Grape Juice. (Farmers’ Bulletin 175.) 
Price, 5 cents. 

The Keeping Quality of Butter. (Farmers’ Bulletin 186, p. 29.) Price, 5 cents. 

Manufacture of Cottage Cheese. (Farmers’ Bulletin 202, p. 28.) Price, 5 cents. 

Cidar Vinegar. (Farmers’ Bulletin 233, p. 28.) Price, 5 cents. 

Cereal Breakfast Foods. (Farmers’ Bulletin 237, p. 14.) Price, 5 cents. 

Use of a Cheap Canning Outfit. (Farmers’ Bulletin 259, p. 30.) Price, 5 cents. 

Preserving Eggs. (Farmers’ Bulletin 273, p.17.) Price, 5 cents. 

Honey Vinegar. (Farmers’ Bulletin 276, p. 28.) Price, 5 cents. 

Preserving Eggs in Water Glass. (Farmers’ Bulletin 296, p. 29.) 

Cooking Cereal Foods. (Farmers’ Bulletin 316, p. 17.) Price, 5 cents. 

Nuts and Their Uses as Food. (Farmers’ Bulletin 332.) Price, 5 cents. 

Preservation of Eggs. (Farmers’ Bulletin 353, p. 14.) Price, 5 cents. 

Whipped Cream. (Farmers’ Bulletin 384, p. 19.) Price, 5 cents. 

The Typhoid or House Fly. (Farmers’ Bulletin 412, p.11.) Price, 5 cents. 

Canning Peaches on the Farm: (Farmers’ Bulletin 426.) Price, 5 cents. 

Defects in Cottage Cheese. (Farmers’ Bulletin 430, p. 10.) Price, 5 cents. 

Lacto: A New and Healthful Frozen Dairy Product. (Farmers’ Bulletin 457, p. 21.) 
Price, 5 cents. 

Combating Flies. (Farmers’ Bulletin 532, p. 22.) Price, 5 cents. 

A Bacteriological Study of Retail Ice Cream. (Department Bulletin 303.) Price, 
5 cents. 

Eggs and Their Value as Food. (Department Bulletin 471.) Price, 5 cents. 

Losses in Boiling Vegetables, and the Composition and Digestibility of Potatoes and 
Eggs. (Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin 43.) Price, 5 cents. 

Studies on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread at the Maine Agricultural 
Experiment Station, 1899-1903. (Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin 143.) 
Price, 5 cents. 

Tron in Food and Its Functionsin Nutrition. (Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin 
185.) Price, 10 cents. 

Digestibility of Starch of Different Sorts as Affected by Cooking. (Office of Experi- 
ment Stations Bulletin 202.) Price, 10 cents. 

Course in the Use and Preparation of Vegetable Foods for Movable and Correspond- 
ence Schools of Agriculture. (Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin 245.) Price, 
10 cents. : 

Harvest Mites, or ‘‘Chiggers.’? (Bureau of Entomology Circular 77.) Price, —. 
Raisins, Figs, and Other Dried Fruits and Their Use. (Yearbook Separate 610.) 
Price, 5 cents. 


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